Browse Items (8623 total)
Social Services Organization -Masonic Temple - 224 W. William
Tags: 125th Anniversary, American Buildings, architects, articles, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, corner stone, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Dedication, early Decatur Masonry, Fifty Million Brothers, floor plan, governor Emmerson, Herald and Review, History, Holabird and Roche, John Foster Dulles, Lodge No. 8, Macon Lodge Charter, Masonic Temple, Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt, past masters, photos, Plan of the Orders of Masonry, Sen. John F. Kennedy, Sen. Richard Nixon, Some Busy Citizens, VIP appearances
Social Services Organization - Turner Hall/Webster Hall - 736 N. Broadway
Tags: 1889-1977, articles, Board Members, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, drawings, German, golden anniversary, Herald and Review, History, John Ruhl, Margaret Meyer, Mary Kreidler, photos, Ruth Sweeney, social club, Turner Hall, Turnverein Society, Webster Hall, Webster/Cantrell Hall
Snell Family Collection Finding Aid
Smith Mill in 1905
Tags: 1905, Ella Foulk Converse, Foulk family, Smith Mill
Smith Mill in 1905
Tags: 1905, Ella Foulk Converse, Foulk family, mill, Smith Mill
Smith Letter - Thank you - April 27, 1994
Smith E. Walker
Tags: Ella Foulk Converse, Foulk family, girl, smiles, woman