Browse Items (9 total)
- Tags: education
League of Women Voters - Programs - Program Activities Report - 1946 to 1957
Tags: Activities Report, Civil Service, Condensation of Program Activities from 1946 to 1957, conservation, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, education, Housing, Illinois constitutional reform, Individual and civil liberties, International Relations, League of Women Voters, Local government and its operation, Program, projects, Rick Meyer, State Government, Voter Service
League of Women Voters - Project - Urban Renewal - 1957 to 1965
Tags: 1957, Air Service, Amusements and Recreation, Association of commerce of Decatur Illinois, Banks, brochure, Bus Service, Business indicators for Decatur, Capital expenditures 1955 to 1969, Census facts, Churches, climate, Communications, Cultural activities, Decatur's future, Economic developments, education, Electrical Power, Family income, Farm data, Federal reserve report, Financial institutions, Gas, government, Highways state and federal, Historical, Hospitals, Hotels and Motels, Housing, League of Women Voters, Location, Market data, Motor freight service, natural resources, Newspapers, parks, population, projects, Radio and Television, Railroads, Recreation, Religions cultural and social, Retail trade area, Retailers occupation tax, Sewers, Social Welfare, Soil and crops, State and federal offices, Streets and highways, Taxation, Telephone and telegraph, Transportation, Urban renewal, Urban renewal workshop fact sheet, Utilities, Water
League of Women Voters - Projects - Domestic Violence - Youth Services Directory - 1978
Tags: 1978, Alcoholics Anonymous, Call for Action, child care, Clothing, discrimination, domestic violence, education, Employment, fish, Food, Health, Home rehabilitation, Housing, Juveniles with criminal problems, League of Women Voters, Legal, Money, Nutritional planning, Parents Anonymous, Pre-Natal Care, projects, Senior Citizens, Services for developmentally disabled, vocational training, Youth Services Directory
League of Women Voters - Projects - Consensus Projects - County Jail - 1983
Tags: 1983, Alternatives, Alternatives to Incarceration, Background Support, Barbara Ohlsen, Cleanliness, Committee By-Laws, Committee Draft Notes, Community Corrections Act, Community Corrections Act HB 2726, Conclusions, Consensus Projects, Correctional Health Services, Correctional Industries, Correctional Officers, Counseling Services, County Jail Report Analysis of HB 2317, County Jail Survey, County Jail Survey completed, Criminal Justice Memo, Criminal Justice News, Data, Division of Responsibilities, Draft Summary, education, Female Commitments to IDOC, Florence Cox, Food Services, Health care, Highlights, IDOC, Inmate Grievance Procedure, Inspection Report, instructions, Karen McKinney, League of Women Voters, Length of Stay, LWV Bulletin 1984, Macon County Jail Review, Marg Coberly, Mary Coberly, McClean County Jail Watch Committee, McLean County Jail, Medical Services, mental health, Millie Protzman, Mission Statement, Periodic Imprisonment, Phones and Visits, Physical Facilities, Points to Make, Presentation of Report, Prison tour, projects, Public Defender Report on McClean County, Recreation, Social Services, Survey questions, Time for Action, Update on Criminal Justice Further
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - June 1990
League of Women Voters - Annual Meeting - Board Meeting - April 1977
Tags: Agenda, announcements, Annual Meeting, Audit, Barb Brown president, Barb Olsen secretary, Betty Jacobsen secretary elect, board meeting, budget proposal and explanation, by-laws, City Government, county and township, court monitory, Decatur environmental quality, Decatur voter, education, ERA, Finance, Karen Jensen president elect, League of Women Voters, Membership, Minutes, nomination and election, program chairwoman, program suggestions, Programs, Public Schools, publications, subscript renewals, treasurer's report, world affairs
Mrs. Frank M. Ware
Tags: "speedys" letters, 1984, A.G. Webber, Absolum Newland, accounting department, August 1984, automobile tires, bank failure, Betty Turnell, bookkeeping machine, brother's surgery, Brown's Business College, cactus, cafeteria, carbon paper, Caterpillar Co., Caterpillar Military Engine Co., changes to Decatur, Chautauqua, choir, cottonwood tree, crystal radio sets, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Lumber Co., doctor's office, Dr. N.D. Meyers, Dr. William Barnes, Dune School, education, electronics courses, Fairview Park, Faries Manufacturing Co., First Lutheran Church, Flood, Florida, Forest Grove School, Frank Ware, general labor, George W. Keller, Great Depression, greenhouse, grocery store, hauling coal, Helen Harder, Hilltop Greenhouse, interview, Jackson St. School, Jasper County IL, Johns Hill, lap rugs, Leader Iron Works, Lincoln Coop Apartments, Lincoln Flower Shop, Log Cabin, Louisa Newland, Madam Corolla Lous Tuca, McKinley assassination, mortgage, Mound School, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Frank M. Ware, neighborhood picnic, Nelson Park, new pews, oral history, Payroll, perpetual inventory, Postal Service, pottery, purchasing department, radio diagrams, raising plants, ready-made radios, receptionist, recording, retirement, sales department, short-hand, Signal Depot, singing, small business, Snake Hill, St. Mary's Hospital, Staley Company, Streetcars, succulents, T.T. Springer, toolmaker, Transfer House, truck barn, voice lessons, Warren St. School, Weber Fill, William Shorb, World War I, World War II, WWI, WWII
Lee D. Pigott's Oral History #2
Tags: 1982, Baptist Church, basketball, Betty Turnell, boys' club, Cameron MO, Cleveland Avenue Baptist Church, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Ministerial Association, Decatur Public Schools, Dr. Cameron Harmon, Durfee School, education, Epworth League, interview, June 1982, Kansas City MO, ladies' Sunday School class, Lee D. Pigott, Malleable Iron, manual training, McKendree College, Methodist Church, Millikin University, ministry, Missouri Conference, Missouri Wesleyan College, Murphysburo IL, Naval Air Force, Naval Aviation, oral history, Principal, Prof. Cole, recording, religious life, superintendent of schools, U.S. Naval Force, World War I, WWI
Anthony J. Perry's Oral History
Tags: "The Vigil Never Ceases - Two Miles North", 1988, A.E. Staley Jr., Administrator, Anthony J. Perry, Assistant Adminstrator, Associate Administrator, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, bachelor's degree, Betty Turnell, board rotation, Chief Executive Officer, Decatur and Macon County Hospital, Decatur IL, Decatur Memorial Hospital, DMH Auxiliary, Dr. Will Barnes, early childhood, education, Ethel Goss, Executive Vice-President, family, Graduate Directors' Council, Home Health Care Program, Hospital Administration, Hospital Research and Development Institute, immigrant parents, interview, JFK Airport, June 1988, LaGuardia Airport, Leon Pullen, Lisbon Portugal, malpractice insurance, master's degree, Medicare, Meteorology, Military, Millikin Court, Millikin University, MMI Companies, modernization of hospital, New England, New York University, Norman Bailey, Northwestern University, nurses, off-shore insurance company, oral history, Pan-American Airlines, Peruvian International Airways, president, radiology, recording, School of Nursing, Staley Pavilion, truck farm, TWA International, Visiting Nurses' Association, Voluntary Hospitals of America, Volunteers, Women's Auxiliary, World War II, WWII