Browse Items (86 total)
- Tags: Railroads
League of Women Voters - Project - Urban Renewal - 1957 to 1965
Tags: 1957, Air Service, Amusements and Recreation, Association of commerce of Decatur Illinois, Banks, brochure, Bus Service, Business indicators for Decatur, Capital expenditures 1955 to 1969, Census facts, Churches, climate, Communications, Cultural activities, Decatur's future, Economic developments, education, Electrical Power, Family income, Farm data, Federal reserve report, Financial institutions, Gas, government, Highways state and federal, Historical, Hospitals, Hotels and Motels, Housing, League of Women Voters, Location, Market data, Motor freight service, natural resources, Newspapers, parks, population, projects, Radio and Television, Railroads, Recreation, Religions cultural and social, Retail trade area, Retailers occupation tax, Sewers, Social Welfare, Soil and crops, State and federal offices, Streets and highways, Taxation, Telephone and telegraph, Transportation, Urban renewal, Urban renewal workshop fact sheet, Utilities, Water
Illinois Traction, Inc. Right of Way and Track Map - N. Main St. to N. Woodford St. (12/31/1928)
Tags: #8.003, 12/31/1928, 1928, addition, assessors subdivision, B. Dills Subdivision, B.G. Pagh Estate, Bering Addition, Broadway St., Calhoun St., Carl St., Center St., Charles St., Clayton St., Clinton St., collection, Columbia Heights, Commissioners Addition, Condit St., Cornthwaits Addition, Crowder & Roberts Addition, D.F. Shelley's Addition, Decatur Brick Co., Decatur Chamber of Commerce 1st Addition of out lots, Decatur IL, Durfee Addition, Garfield Ave., Harrision St., Haywoods Addition, Herkimer St., Hickory St., Hunter Bros Addition, ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Terminal Company, Illinois Terminal System, Illinois Traction Inc., ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-96, ITS, ITS Decatur shops, Jasper St., John Williams Addition, Johnson Ave., Johnson St., Lane Addition, Laughlins Addition, Leafland St., Locust St., Lowber St., M. Johnsons Subdivision, map, Maps, Marietta St., Montgomery & Schulls 2nd Addition, Montgomery & Schulls Addition, Morgan St., Murphy's Addition of out lots, N. Main St., N. Water St., North Addition, North Side Addition, Office of Chief Engineer, Olive St., Orchard St., Powers 1st Addition, Powers 2nd Addition, Powers 4th Addition, Powers 9th Addition, Railroad Ave., Railroad Map Collection, Railroads, record of changes made, right of way, right of way and track map, Streets, Stuart St., track map, Tracks, Valuation Division, W. Division St., W. Packard St., Waggoner St., Waggoner's Addition, Walnut St., Warren St., Whitchell Addition
Illinois Railroad Map (1/1/1994)
Photograph of Wabash R.R. Wreck in Litchfield
Tags: #1008, 1960, Diesel, engine, Herald and Review, Litchfield, Locomotives, Photo File: Railroads, railroad, Railroads, train, Trains, Wabash, Wabash R.R., Wreck
Photograph of the Wabash R.R. Streamlined Caboose #2856
Tags: #2856, 1955, Caboose, car, Cars, Decatur IL, Herald and Review, Photo File: Railroads, railroad, Railroads, Streamlined, train, train car, Train Cars, Trains, Wabash, Wabash R.R.
Photograph of the Wabash R.R. Panel-Side Hopper #34070 Salvaging
Tags: #34070, 1951, car, Cars, Decatur IL, Herald and Review, Hopper, Operation, Panel-side, Photo File: Railroads, railroad, Railroads, Salvage, Salvaging, train, train car, Train Cars, Trains, Wabash, Wabash R.R.
Photograph of the Wabash R.R. Caboose Line-up
Tags: 1955, Caboose, Cabooses, car, Cars, Decatur IL, Herald and Review, Line-up, Photo File: Railroads, railroad, Railroads, train, train car, Train Cars, Trains, Wabash, Wabash R.R.
Photograph of the Wabash R.R. Wooden Passenger Car #325
Tags: #325, 1954, car, Cars, Condit, Condit St., Decatur IL, Engine Shops, Herald and Review, Passenger Car, Photo File: Railroads, railroad, Railroads, train, train car, Train Cars, Trains, Wabash, Wabash R.R., Wooden
Photograph of the Wabash R.R. Hopper #135004 Salvaging
Tags: #135004, 1951, car, Cars, Decatur IL, Herald and Review, Hopper, Operation, Photo File: Railroads, railroad, Railroads, Salvage, train, train car, Train Cars, Trains, Wabash, Wabash R.R.
Photograph of the Wabash R.R. Spreader Car #3718
Tags: #3718, 1907, car, Cars, Decatur IL, Herald and Review, Photo File: Railroads, railroad, Railroads, Spreader Car, train, train car, Train Cars, Trains, Wabash, Wabash R.R.