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Photograph of Farmer's Market 1911
Public market of 1911-1913. Decatur housewives used to go to the east side of Central Park for direct-from-the-farm produce. This picture was taken in November of 1911 and not an auto truck in sight.
Tags: 1911, Central Park, Decatur IL, Events, farm, Farmer's Market, Farmers, Festivals, horses, Housewives, Market, park, Photo File: Events/Festivals, Produce
Photos of Tick Produce Workers Cleaning Chickens
Photograph of workers cleaning chickens at Tick Produce; located at 901 E. Eldorado, Decatur, IL.
Photo of Kelly's Potato Chip Factory
Photographs of ladies bagging chips, moving bags of potatoes, loading truck with potatoes chips, packing boxes with chips, conveyer belt with potato chips, child sampling chips and men checking packaged product.
Tags: 3/1/1954, Bagging Chips, BS1748, BS1749, BS175, BS1750, BS1751, BS1752, BS1753, BS1754, BS1755, BS1926, Business, Conveyor Belt, Customer Approval, Decatur IL., Food, Kelley's Potato Chip Factory, Moving Bags of Potatoes, Noel C. Dicks, Packaging, Packing, Photo File: Business, Potato Chips, Produce, Truck