Browse Items (6 total)
- Tags: elections
League of Women Voters - Newsletters - Bulletins#32#33#34#35#36#37#38#39 - 1961
Tags: Annual Meeting, annual reports, April 1961, budget, bulletins, by-laws, C.C.C.M.F., Calendar, Champaign county league meeting, County governments, Deed Caterers, election laws, elections, February 1961, Foreign Policy, From the sound of the president's gavel, January 1961, League lingo, League of Women Voters, League position since 1951, legislative school, local agenda, March 1961, May 1961, Meeting with Congressman Springer, Membership, National Program making, New arrivals, New year letter, Newsletters, Nominating, November 1961, Oakley dam project, orientation meeting, Politics of trade, program conference, proposed budget, Public Health, Public Relations, public transportation, publications, Revenue, September 1961, Special Meeting, state convention, Summer Coffee, This is Macon County booklets, Transportation study, Unit meetings con-con, United Nations, Voters Services
League of Women Voters - Annual Meeting - Board Meeting - May 1980
Tags: agendas, announcements, Annual Meeting, award presentation, Barbara Brown president, board meeting, City Government, Communications, Decatur voter, elections, ERA, family violence, leadership conference, League of Women Voters, Mary Coberly secretary, Minutes, organizations, orientation, President's Letter, Program Budget, Program Committee, programs 1980-1981, reports, state calendar, The Voter, treasurer's report
League of Women Voters - Annual Meeting - Board Meeting - April 1978
Tags: activities, announcements, Annual Meeting, appointments, Barb Brown president, board meeting, by-laws, City Government, Committee Reports, county and town, court monitoring, credit schools, elections, environmental quality, ERA, Finance Drive, Karen Jensen president, League of Women Votes, nominations, Program, proposed budget, Public Schools, publications, SUN DAY, Support, treasurer's report, units
League of Women Voters - Scrapbook and articles - 1952 to 1957
League of Women Voters - Scrapbook and articles - 1947 to 1952
League of Women Voters - By Laws & Policies 1961-1972
Tags: amendments, articles, board of directors, by law changes, by laws, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, council, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, elections, financial administration, League of Women Voters, local programs, meetings, Membership, name, national convention, nominations, officers, parliamentary authority, Policies, state convention