Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: Pythian Home
Station Maps of the Illinois Traction Inc., Operated by Illinois Terminal Company (12-31-1928)
Tags: #8.003, 12/31/1928, 1928, Butler Heights, Church St., collection, Decatur IL, Graceland Ave., Illinois Terminal Company, Illinois Traction Inc., ISHRAB-2017-25-42, ISHRAB-2017-25-43, ITS, Kenwood Ave., Maps, Maywood Court, McKinley Ave., Melrose Court, N. Main St., N. Water St., Office of Chief Engineer, Pythian Ave., Pythian Home, Pythian Home Addition, Railroad Map Collection, records of changes made, Resers Addition, Rosedale Addition, Rosedale Ave., station map, station maps, Tangney Addition, Union Blvd., Valuation Division
Partial Map of the Illinois Central Railroad Belt Line along W. McKinley St. (N/D)
Social Services Organizations - Pythian Home/St. Joseph's Hall - 2601 N. Union
Tags: 1908-1977, accessors office, articles, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, floor plan, Fraternal foreign Interest, Great Pythian Gala, Hall dedication, Herald and Review, Home Talent, Jesuits, photos, picnic, Programs, Pythian Home, retreat house, St. Joseph's Hall, Tertian Training, The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries
Caroline's Country Club in Forsyth, IL
Dean Mesnard's Oral History
Tags: 1986, accounting, April 1986, Avon Theater, Bazley's Meat Market, Beach House, Betty Turnell, Bijou Theater, Brintlinger Funeral Home, broken home, Bryn Mawr PA, business major, C.L.U., changes to Decatur, Chartered Life Underwriter, childhood, College of Life Underwriters, contractor, Dean Mesnard, debit company, Decatur Club, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Memorial Hospital, Dr. Beadles, Empress Theater, Fairview Park, family life, financial planning, G.I. Bill, Great Depression, heating engineer, inflation, insurance office, interview, Lake Decatur, life insurance, Life Underwriter's Training Council, Lincoln Apartments, Lincoln Hotel, Mary W. French School, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Millikin University, mow lawns, mutual companies, old gravel pit, oral history, painter, Piggly-Wiggly, Prof. Glen Smith, Pythian Home, rake leaves, recording, Roosevelt Junior High School, salesmanship, Shinner's Meat Market, shovel snow, Steven's Creek, stock companies, swimming, Texaco Light House, Texaco Tower, Transfer House, Williamson Heating Company of Cincinnati, Woodrow Wilson Junior High School, workmen's compensation, World War II