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- Tags: engineering
R. Wayne Gill's Oral History
Tags: "Stuck at Taylor's College", 1980, academy, Albert Taylor Hall, Aston Hall, athletic director, Barracks, basketball, basketball and track coach, Bethany College, Betty Turnell, Bill Muer, business manager, Business Manager Emeritus, changes to Millikin University, Charlene Wood, chemistry, childhood, City of Decatur, Clyde Hart, coach, Davida McCaslin, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, dormitories, Dr. Albert Taylor, Dr. Claire A. Garber, Dr. Fellows, Dr. J. Roger Miller, Dr. John C. Hessler, Dr. Malone, Dr. McKay, Dr. Tyler, Dr. William Casey, engineering, Flora IL, G.I. Bill, Gastman School, Gorin Library, Grace Patton Conant, Griswold Physical Education Center, Hank Gill, Industrial Arts Department, interview, James Millikin, Jimmy Ashmore, Kirkland Fine Arts Center, Lake Geneva WI, Liberal Arts Building, March 1980, Millikin National Bank, Millikin University, Norman Wann, Northwestern Military and Naval Academy, oral history, Powers Building, Professor L.M. Cole, Professor Townsley, R. Wayne Gill, recording, Recreation Department, SATC, School of Music, Scovill Science Hall, Secretary-Treasurer, Student Army Training Corps, Superintendent of Recreation, veterans, vocational training, West Virginia, William Henderson, World War I, World War II, WWI, WWII
Edward J. Seymour's Oral History
Tags: 1986, A.G. Edwards Company, accounting firm, Air Force, airplanes, Army, Army Specialized Training program, B-29s, Belleville IL, Betty Turnell, board room, bombs, broker, Carnegie Tech, Chicago IL, childhood, construction company, CPA, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Edward J. Seymour, engineering, family life, gasoline, Globe Balls, Himalayas, home building, housing collapse, India, industrial engineering, interview, investment counselor, link trainer instructor, Loyola University Chicago, North China, Oberweiss Securities of Chicago, October 1986, oleo capsule, oral history, polio, polio vaccine, Quebec Canada, recording, rehabilitation, spinal tap, supplies, Tampa FL, theatre usher, University of Illinois, Webber-Costello Company, world globe, World War II, WWII
Richard E. Reeves' Oral History
Tags: 1988, Africa, Air Force, airplane mechanics, Annual Conference, April 1988, Architectural Drafting, Architecture, Aviation Cadet, Barnes Hospital, Bert Templeton, Betty Turnell, Building Committee, Burks Pumps, Children, council of ministries, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Company, Dr. Paul Burt, educational wing of church, engineering, Executive Vice-President, Faculty, First United Methodist Church of Decatur, Ghana, interview, Joyce Reeves, jurisdictional conference, Kenya, Liberia, missionary work, Mississippi, mock-ups, national church, nurse's training, official board, oral history, parish relations, pastor, Pentagon, Ploughboy Prom, Rantoul IL, recording, recruitment college tour, Richard E. Reeves, salesman, San Francisco, Sertoma Club, Sierra Leone, St. Louis MO, Student Council, Sunday school teacher, teaching aids, UMCOR, United Methodist Committee on Relief, University of Illinois, US Office of Education, Vice-President of Engineering, Vice-President of Marketing, Washington University, water and sanitation problems, Webster-Cantrall Hall, Weldon IL, Wells, Wesley Foundation, World War II, WWII, Yale University