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- Tags: business manager
Photos of Various Business Offices.
R. Wayne Gill's Oral History
Tags: "Stuck at Taylor's College", 1980, academy, Albert Taylor Hall, Aston Hall, athletic director, Barracks, basketball, basketball and track coach, Bethany College, Betty Turnell, Bill Muer, business manager, Business Manager Emeritus, changes to Millikin University, Charlene Wood, chemistry, childhood, City of Decatur, Clyde Hart, coach, Davida McCaslin, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, dormitories, Dr. Albert Taylor, Dr. Claire A. Garber, Dr. Fellows, Dr. J. Roger Miller, Dr. John C. Hessler, Dr. Malone, Dr. McKay, Dr. Tyler, Dr. William Casey, engineering, Flora IL, G.I. Bill, Gastman School, Gorin Library, Grace Patton Conant, Griswold Physical Education Center, Hank Gill, Industrial Arts Department, interview, James Millikin, Jimmy Ashmore, Kirkland Fine Arts Center, Lake Geneva WI, Liberal Arts Building, March 1980, Millikin National Bank, Millikin University, Norman Wann, Northwestern Military and Naval Academy, oral history, Powers Building, Professor L.M. Cole, Professor Townsley, R. Wayne Gill, recording, Recreation Department, SATC, School of Music, Scovill Science Hall, Secretary-Treasurer, Student Army Training Corps, Superintendent of Recreation, veterans, vocational training, West Virginia, William Henderson, World War I, World War II, WWI, WWII
Photo of R. R. Levine, Business Manager Decatur Dry Goods Co.
Arthur W. Kinkade
Tags: 1913, advertising director, Arthur W. Kinkade, biography, business manager, Champaign IL, Decatur Daily Review, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Schools, Decatur Pump Co., Federal Rural Resettlement Administration, officer and personnel manager, Photo File: Biography, progress engineer, Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging Co., Seattle WA, Wasson Studio
Arthur W. Kinkade
Tags: 1936, advertising director, Arthur W. Kinkade, biography, business manager, Champaign IL, Decatur Herald and Review, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Schools, Decatur Pump Co., Federal Rural Resettlement Administration, manual training instructor, office and personnel manager, Photo File: Biography, progress engineer, Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging Co., Seattle WA
J. Harold "Dutch" Henry and Football Player
Tags: athletic director, biography, business manager, Decatur Boys Baseball, Decatur Commodores, Decatur IL, Elks Club, executive adviser, First United Methodist Church, football player, J. Harold "Dutch" Henry, Kappa Delta Chi, MacArthur High School, Marine Corps League, Millikin University Quarterback Club, Photo File: Biography, unknown man, VFW
J. Harold "Dutch" Henry
Tags: athletic director, biography, business manager, Decatur Boys Baseball, Decatur Commodores, Decatur IL, Elks Club, executive adviser, First United Methodist Church, J. Harold "Dutch" Henry, Kappa Delta Chi, MacArthur High School, Marine Corps League, Millikin University Quarterback Club, Photo File: Biography, VFW