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  • Tags: business manager

Photos of Various Business Offices.

Photograph of Business Manager Office 1895. Photograph of Editor's Office 1895. Photograph Employees 1890. Photograph of General Manager's Office 1913. Photograph of Engine Room 1895 with employee. Photograph of Engraving Room 1913, with employee.

Photo of R. R. Levine, Business Manager Decatur Dry Goods Co.
Photograph of R. R. Levine, Business Manager of Decatur Dry Goods Co. located corner of Water and North Streets. Photo taken in 1921 by Wasson Studio of Decatur, IL.

Arthur W. Kinkade
Photograph of Arthur W. Kinkade. He was the business manager for the Decatur school district from 1915 to 1922, and the manual training instructor in the Decatur public schools from 1910 to 1915. From 1923 to 1927, he was living in Seattle, WA and…

Arthur W. Kinkade
Photograph of Arthur W. Kinkade. He was the business manager for the Decatur school district from 1915 to 1922, and the manual training instructor in the Decatur public schools from 1910 to 1915. From 1923 to 1927, he was living in Seattle, WA and…

J. Harold "Dutch" Henry and Football Player
Photograph of J. Harold with an unknown man in a football uniform. Henry was the athletic director at MacArthur High School, and the business manager of the Decatur Commodores. He was also the executive adviser of the Decatur Boys Baseball…

J. Harold "Dutch" Henry
Photograph of J.Harold "Dutch" Henry. Henry was the athletic director at MacArthur High School, and the business manager of the Decatur Commodores. He was also the executive adviser of the Decatur Boys Baseball organization. He was a member of the…