Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: health insurance
City Librarian's Report November 1995
Tags: 1995, Adult Services, ARIEL, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, brochure, budget, cataloging department, children's division, Children's Services, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Extension Division, focus group, FRED, Friends Book Sale, Girls are Girls and Boys are Boys, health insurance, John Moorman, Maintenance Department, MIS, November 1995, request for reconsideration, roof, Volunteers
Board of Directors Meeting - October 20, 1988
Tags: 1988, Agenda, ALTOS 1075, Avenue of Excellence, board of directors, Board of Trustees, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, employee/board relations task force, Expenditures, finance and properties committee, health insurance, James Seidl, Meeting, Millikin University, Minutes, October 1988, personnel policy and public relations committee, Reciprocal borrowing, reclassification study, RPLS, Security Guard
Meeting of the Board of Directors October 1995
Tags: 1995, air conditioning, avenues of excellence, Bills, board of directors, Board of Trustee, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, executive session, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, fy95 annual report, health insurance, John Moorman, Meeting, Minutes, new business, October 1995, old business, personnel policy and public relations, positions, renovations, roof, RPLS, Tax Levy
Finance and Properties Meeting - October 1995
November Board of Directors Meeting - 1998
Tags: 1998, Agenda, bills and payroll, budget, Cardwell Assoc., Children's Book Week, circulation policy, City Librarian's Report, comments and suggestions, contractors payment, Danville Public Library, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, friends, health insurance, ILA conference, Illlinois State Archives, John Moorman, library writing contest, Meeting, Millikin, Minutes, monthly circ stats, November 1998, November special minutes, October minutes, personnel policy and public relations, PSA, reports, request for space in new building by city, Revenue, RPLS, Sears building renovation, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, star inservice, Statistical Report, thank you notes, Volunteers
Finance and Properties Committee Report - November 1994
Tags: 1994, automation, Board of Trustee, bookmobile, budget, Computers, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, finance and properties committee, FRED, hardware upgrade, health insurance, information kiosk, labor agreement, major accomplishments, Minutes, new roof, November 1994. board of directors, Summer Reading, Sunday hours, Tax Levy
Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - May 2013
Tags: Annex, Bookmobiles, budget cost, budget cuts, budget reports, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Finance and Properties, health insurance, Lee Ann Fisher, library expenditures, local history project and least expensive model, May 2013, Meeting, Minutes, operating expenses, union, Vietnam Wall