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  • Collection: Photo File: Churches

Photo of St. Patrick's First Communion in 1946.
Photograph of St. Patrick's First Communion Class on June 9, 1946. There were 48 members that took their first communion. Front Row: Buddy Busch, Paul Higar, _____, Omer Bussen, Daniel Lamb, ______, ______, ______, Judy Peters, Joan Funk, David…

Photo of St. Thomas the Apostle Church
Photograph of St. Thomas the Apostle Church located at 2160 N. Edward Street, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Rev. Jerome H. Smart
Photograph of Rev. Jerome H. Smart, former Christian Church minister in Decatur, (died 11/6/1913). Veteran of the civil War and entered ministry about 1870. For several years associated with "The Christian," a paper published in St. Louis, later…

Photo of The Hour of Cheer Building
Photograph of the Building that housed The Hour of Cheer radio station W.H.O.W. Clinton, IL. Rev. A. F. Jenkins.

Photos of First Evangelical Lutheran Churches
Photo of First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 450 N. Main Street, Decatur, IL. 1943-1965, (Old Post Office Building). Photograph of First English Evangelical Lutheran Church, 303 N. Main Street, Decatur, IL., 1886-1943. Photograph of First Evangelical…

Photo of St. John's Lutheran Church
Photographs of St. John's Lutheran Church located at 1170 E. Orchard Street, Decatur, IL. The church is now located at 2727 N. Union Street, Decatur, IL.

Photos of Christ United Methodist Church Building and Groundbreaking.
Photograph of the groundbreaking for the new Christ United Methodist church. Photograph of the original building of Christ United Methodist Church, located at 1503 N. Summit Street, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Cleveland Avenue Methodist Church.
Photograph of the Cleveland Avenue Methodist Church located at 904 Cleveland Avenue, Decatur, IL.

Photos of The First Methodist Church
Photograph from a postcard of the First Methodist Church, 201 W. North Street, Decatur, IL. Photograph of First Methodist Church taken in 1934. Photograph of the interior of First Methodist Church. Photograph of First Methodist Church, corner of W.…

Photos of Grace Methodist Church, North Main Street.
Photograph of Grace Methodist church, front entrance. Photograph of Grace Methodist, people on their way to church. Photograph of the exterior of Grace Methodist church. Photograph of exterior of Grace Methodist church and class rooms. Photo of the…