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Charlotte Wait Holder's Oral History

This is the oral history of Charlotte Wait Holder. She was interviewed by Betty Turnell on August 10, 1985. This interview covers her life in decatur in the early 1900s.

Check Registers 2009 - January thru November.

These are the check registers for 2007. All months are included except December. Columns on registers include check number, check date, item amount, item description, account number, and account description.

Chicago Peoria and St. Louis Railroad Freight Bill, July 12, 1915

This is a railroad freight bill dated July 12, 1915 for the Chicago Peoria and St. Louis Railroad for Mr. William Hibbs

Child On Car - c. 1920 - field - rural road
This is a photograph of a child standing on the fender of a car in the middle of a field located on a rural road c. 1920.

Children on a Float in the Red Cross Parade
WWI - Children dressed as members of the Red Cross on a float in the Red Cross parade, waving the American Flag, May 1918.

Children on Porch - no name - no date
This is a photograph of 2 children on a porch of a house. There are no names, no date, nor location.

Children performing May Pole Dance 1931.
Children performing the Maypole Dance in front of Oglesby School with children watching.

Children Sitting on the Porch
Photograph of a group of unknown children sitting on a porch.