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Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - April 1986 - minutes
These are the minutes of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in April 1986. Items discussed were tuckpoint and waterproof of exterior walls, brick replacement, band chimney, architect inspection, telephone system bids, telephone consultant,…
Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - April 2012 - minutes
These are the minutes of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in April 2012. Items discussed were check register, budget review, security officers, Overdrive, close session, collection agency, fines, sidewalk, Trolley, parking lot, Downtown…
Finance and Properties committee meeting - April 2016 - agenda and minutes
These are the agenda and minutes of the Finance and Property committee meeting in April 2016. Items discussed were check register, budget review, name change of committee and less meeting times
Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - April 2018 - agenda
This is the agenda of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in April 2018. Items on the agenda are check register, budget report, parking lot, annex
Finance and Properties committee meeting - April 2019 - agenda, minutes, and board packet
These are the agenda, minutes, and board packet of the April 2019 meeting of the Finance and Properties committee. Items discussed and reviewed were parking lot options, check register, 2019 budget projections, 2020 budget planning, space use…
Tags: 2019 budget projections, 2020 budget planning, Agenda, April 2019, board packet, building murals, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Finance and Properties, Massie and Massie, Meeting, Minutes, parking lot options, Per Capita Grant, Rick Meyer, space planning and finance, space use priorities
Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - April 2022
This is the monthly meeting of Finance and Properties in April 2022. Items included are agenda, minutes, and reports.
Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - August 1982
These are the minutes of the finance and properties committee meeting in August 1982. Items discussed were the Canoni bequest and the option to sell securities and distribute estate in cash.
Finance and Properties committee meeting - August 1985 - minutes
These are the minutes of the finance and properties committee meeting in August 1985. Items discussed were the offset printer bids, application for the Illinois Per Captia Grant, and Avenues of Excellence.
Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - August 2011
This is the agenda for the Finance and Properties Committee Meeting in August 2011. Items discussed were budget, check register, long range plans, library annex, stair, parking lot, Downtown Decatur, State Capital Improvement survey
Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - August 2012 - agenda and minutes
These are the agenda and minutes of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in August 2012. Items discussed were budget, check register, long range plans, Annex, stairs and parking lot, downtown Decatur, state capital improvements survey, Baby…