Browse Items (8609 total)

Photograph of Brush College #2 Building
Photograph of Brush College #2 School Building dated 1/7/1939.

Photograph of Classroom at Brush College #2
Photo of Students with headphones ready to listen to music in classroom at Brush College #2.

Photograph of Future Site for Brush College #2 School
Photograph of building site for Brush College #2 with Spencer Kellogg (ADM) in background.

Photograph of Brush College #1 --1889
Photo of Brush College #1 taken 6/4/1889 with teachers and children.

Photograph of Brush College #1 Staff
Photo of Teaching Staff taken on Sept 10, 1961, Brush College #1, Decatur, IL. Front Row Seated L-R: unknown, Lorraine Brown, Mrs. Warnick, Mary Williams, Rachel Smith, Mrs. Clark, unknown, Roy Schilling. Back Row Standing L-R: unknown, Mildred Cave,…

Personnel Policy and Public Relations - Meeting - January 1985

These are the minutes of the Personnel Policy and Public Relations committee meeting in January 1985. Items discussed were unsupervised children, creating a board policy, children under 7 unattended then policy will be called, press release to…

Photograph of Brush College #1
Schools -- Brush College #1 --125. Photo by Seitz studio of Decatur, IL.

Photograph of Brush College #1
Photo of children standing in front of Brush College #1, Decatur, IL. 1920.

Personnel Policy and Public Relations Committee Meeting - May 1984

These are the minutes of the Personnel Policy and Public Relations committee in February 1984. Items discussed were library policy, free floating holidays, condition of eligibility, deadlines, non-musical sound recordings, review source, personnel…