Browse Items (22 total)
- Tags: George Baker
Photos of E-Z Opener Bag Co. Site.
Miscellaneous Photographs Old Street Scenes.
Photographs of Pugh School Building and Students.
Residence 351 W. William - Moore/Bruech/Haworth Home
Tags: 1829-1974, Article, Barbara Lampe Wolfe, biography, Catherine Shultz, Centennial History of Decatur and Macon County, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Clark Hedge, david Davis, description, Dr. EW Moore, Dudley Wolfe, EF Drobisch, Ella McMilin, Enoch Moore, floor plan, Fluta Drobisch, George Baker, H. Alexander, History, History of Macon County, Issac Loose, James Allen, Jess Fell, Mabel Richmond, Macon County Coordinating Council, Mahlon Haworth, Margaret Atkins, Maxwell Shultz, owners, Peter Bruich, Portrait and Biographical Record, Register of Old Buildings, Rev FN ATkins, Stephen Magus, Susan Alexander, TA Gehram, Telghman, Theodore Gehrmann, William Cressey, William Hanks Jr.
Residence - #1 Millikin Place - Robert Mueller Home
Tags: 1910-1974, Addie Ebert, Architectural Record October 1916, Architecture in Chicago and in Mid America, Article, assessor's office, Barrett Geohegan, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, city directory, description, drawing, floor plan, Frank Lloyd Wright, Genealogy of the Decatur Branch of the Mueller Family, George Baker, Herald and Review, Herman von Holst, History, Hone Is Its Own Decoration, Joan Geohegan, Karen Lobeck, Macon County Coordinating Council, Margaret Meyer, Marion Mahoney, Marion Mahoney Griffin, Millikin Place, Mrs. Robert Mueller, obituaries, owners, photos, Ray and Mary Rollins, Register of Old Buildings, Robert Mueller, Wayne Andrews
Photographs of Pugh School 1910 and 1956.
Oglesby School and Mother's Show
Tags: 1911, 1931, 1950, 1955, 2400 N. Union, Album, Berry, Buildings, Cleaning Up, Decatur IL., George Baker, Herald and Review, Keck, Mother's Show, Oglesby, Photo File: Schools, Schools