Browse Items (8612 total)
December 1997 Board of Directors Meeting
Tags: 1997, Agenda, Biennial survey of depository libraries, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, book return drops, budget, children division, circ division, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December 1997, Expenditures, finance and property, Foudation, Foundation, fundraising activities, GEAC, internet access guidelines and policy, internet user policy, John Moorman, Meeting, Minutes, November minutes, OSHA regulations, personnel policy and public relations, real estate firms, reports, Revenue, RPLS, schematic design Sears project, standards for Public Libraries, Statistical Report, tech services, technology plan, thank you letters, Volunteers, workshops and training
November Board of Directors Minutes - 1997
Tags: 1997, 3M self check machine, Adult Services, Agenda, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, brochure, budget, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, Computers, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, fundraising, H%R negative collection, ILA convention, John Moorman, maintenance division, Meeting, Minutes, November 1997, Oct minutes, Poets in Person, reports, Revenue, RPLS, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, Statistical Report, thank you notes, Wasson glass plate collection, WWI materials
April Board of Directors Meeting - 1998
Tags: 1998, Adult Division, Agenda, April 1998, Backyard Birds, bill changer, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, budget, capital fund drive, CATME software, children's division, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, cost projections PSA, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, Foundation, GEAC, inservice, John Moorman, library closure, March minutes, Meeting, Minutes, nominating committee, OCLC, personnel policy and public relations, PSA Architects, Randy Gibson, reports, Revenue, Sears building renovation, SPARK, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, Statistical Report, tech services, Training, trustees workshop, Volunteers, weeding, workshops
August Board of Trustees Meeting - 1998
Tags: 1998, Adult Division, Agenda, asbestos bids, August 1998, bills and payroll, board of directs, Board of Trustees, Bookmobiles, budget, Children's Department, City Librarian's Report, construction bids, contact information, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, DOVE, DRA, emergency plan, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, Foundation, GEAC, John Moorman, July minutes, library art collection, Local History Room, lost and found policy, Meeting, Meeting Schedule, Minutes, monthly circ stats, performance eval of city librarian, periodical survey, personnel policy and public relations, PLUS, reports, Revenue, RPLS, Sears building renovation, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, Statistical Report, Summer Reading Program, tech division, thank you notes
December Board of Directors Meeting 1998
Tags: 1998, 3M self check machine, Adult Division, Agenda, asbestos abatement, Baby Talk, bills and payroll, bookmobile, Cardwell Companies, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, credit bureau, Danville library visit, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December 1998, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, FRED, Head Start, John Moorman, maintenance division, Meeting, Minutes, moving committee, November minutes, Per Capita Grant, personnel policy and public relations, PSA contact, Read, reports, Revenue, RPLS, Sears building renovation, staff personnel policy, staff training, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, Statistical Report, tech services, thank you notes
Board of Directors Meeting - February 1998
Tags: 1998, Agenda, Baby Talk, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Bookmobiles, budget, children's division, circ stats, circulation division, City Council, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, design phase Sears Building, downtown council brochure, Expenditures, February 1998, finance and property, form 470, Foundation, GEAC, Grace Veech, H&R negatives and prints, Head Start, internet user policy, January minutes, Jeapardy, John Moorman, library move Augsut 1999, library sale proposal, Meeting, Minutes, personnel policy and public relations, preservation award, pubic book list, reports, Revenue, RPLS, SPARK, staff training, Standard for Illinois Public Libraries, Statistical Report, tax return help, tech division, union contract, Volunteers
Board of Directors Meeting - January 1998
Tags: 1998, Agenda, architectural design narrative, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, budget, capital campaign, children's book list, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, cyberguide for Kid and Parents, December minutes, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, internet user policy, January 1998, John Moorman, Meeting, Minutes, OSHA inspection, project cost budget, real estate companies, reports, Revenue, RPLS, schematic design package, staff workshops, stained glass children's division, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, state construction grant, Statistical Report
July 1998 Board of Directors Meeting
Tags: 1998, Adult Division, Agenda, ALA conference, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, children's division, circ division, City Librarian's Report, Committee Appointments, construction bids, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenditures, family literacy grant, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, fund drive, GEAC software, John Caldwell, John Moorman, July 1998, June minutes, lease space, library security policy, Local History Room, Meeting, Minutes, monthly circ stats, performance eval of city librarian, periodical subscription bids, personnel policy and public relations, report, Revenue, RPLS, Sears renovation project, Statistical Report, Summer Reading Program, tech division, thank you notes
June 1998 Board of Directors Meeting
Tags: 1998, Agenda, Annual Meeting, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, circ stats, City Council, City Librarian's annual report, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, Foundation, fund drive, GEAC, Illinois State Library, John Moorman, June 1998, Live and Learn Grant, maintenance division, Meeting, Minutes, nomination of officers, Per Capita Grant Application, Periodicals, prevailing wage rate, PSA constructional plan, regular meeting, reports, Revenue, RPLS, self check machine, Statistical Report, Summer Reading Program, tech services, videos, Volunteers, washrooms, weeding
March 1998 Board of Directors Meeting
Tags: 1998, Adult Division, Agenda, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, budget, CATME software, children's division, circ stats, city librarian's reports, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenditures, February minutes, First Search, friends, GEAC, Info Trac, John Moorman, maintenance division, March 1998, Meeting, Minutes, NWRAPS, PLA conference, reports, resolution expenditures of funds, Revenue, Sears building renovations, Sears project schedule, staff inservice, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, Statistical Report, universal service discount program, Volunteers