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- Tags: Macon County Board
League of Women Voters - Publications - Governmental Directory for Citizens of Macon County - 1977
Tags: 1977, addresses, Administrative Boards, Boards and Commissions of Decatur, Committees and Chairpersons of the County Board, Community Mental Health, Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Conservation District, Decatur City Plan Commission, Decatur Housing Authority, Decatur IL, Decatur Park District, Decatur Public Library, Decatur School District #61, Governmental Directory for Citizens of Macon County, Human Relations Commission, Intergovernmental cooperation and County modernization commission, Judiciary, League of Women Voters, Macon County Board, Macon County Health Department, Macon County Offices, Mosquito abatement district, names, National government, Officials appointed by the County board, phone numbers, publications, Regional planning commission, Richland Community College, Sanitary District, Special District, State Government, Township officials, Zoning Board of appeals
League of Women Voters - Publication - Directory of Government Officials - 1991
Tags: 1991, City of Decatur, Decatur city officers, Decatur School District #61, Directory of Government Officials, Election days, Illinois senators, Judiciary, League of Women Voters, Macon County Board, Macon County Elected officials, Macon County general election, Matching elected official to office, National officers, Party chairmen, publications, Representatives by district, Richland Community College, Special districts boards, State Legislators, State Officers, Township supervisors, Voters registration office, Voting requirements
February 1996 Board of Trustees Meeting Packet
Tags: 1996, Agenda, Baby Talk, Bills, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, budget, building plans, children's division, circ division, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, close session, Collection Development, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, division heads, Expenditures, family literacy grant, February 1996, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, GEAC, Head Start, Illinois State Historical Library, internet access policy, John Moorman, land options, Lincoln material, Macon County Board, maintenance, MARC records, Meeting, Minutes, model airplane collections, new main building, old business, paperbacks, personnel policy and public relations, RCC, real property, Revenue, roof, RPLS, SIU, Staley Property, statistic report, Sunday hours, tech services, thank you note, weather closings, ZEXEL