Browse Items (16 total)
- Tags: maintenance
League of Women Voters - Projects - Marital Rights -1985
Tags: 1985, Child custody, Child support, Child support enforcement, Consensus discussion of divorce law in Illinois, Consensus report form dissolution of marriage, League of Women Voters, maintenance, Mandatory child support guidelines, marital rights, projects, Property Division, Visiting Divorce court rules
League of Women Voters - Projects - Marital Rights
Tags: Administrative procedures, Child support, Child support enforcement, Child support enforcement amendments 1984, Child support statistics, Custody, Do-it-yourself or prose divorce, Duration, Income withholding, Joint custody, League of Women Voters, Lump Sum awards, maintenance, Maintenance statistics, marital rights, Mediation, Paternity reform, Presumption of equal fitness, projects, Rehabilitative maintenance, Tax consequences, Visitation, Visitation enforcement
Personnel Policy and Public Relations Committee Meeting - February 1082
Painting Stripes on Pavement
January 1996 Board of Directors Meeting Packet
Tags: 1996, Agenda, architectural firms, Baby Talk, Bills, bills and payrolls, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, budget, budget draft 1997, children's division, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, comments and suggestions, computer service specialist, contractual services, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, drug screening, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, first annual trustees videoconference, focus groups, January 1996, job descriptions, John Moorman, Ken Bauer, l library levy, l selection of architectural firm, Library Building Project, Lincoln material, lost and found policy, maintenance, Meeting, Meeting Schedule, Minutes, new library building, Order Department, PC/LAN support proposal, personnel, personnel policy and public relations, public notice, reports, Revenue, RPLS, SPARK, Special Meeting, stats report, thank you notes, US News and World Report, Volunteers
February 1996 Board of Trustees Meeting Packet
Tags: 1996, Agenda, Baby Talk, Bills, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, budget, building plans, children's division, circ division, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, close session, Collection Development, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, division heads, Expenditures, family literacy grant, February 1996, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, GEAC, Head Start, Illinois State Historical Library, internet access policy, John Moorman, land options, Lincoln material, Macon County Board, maintenance, MARC records, Meeting, Minutes, model airplane collections, new main building, old business, paperbacks, personnel policy and public relations, RCC, real property, Revenue, roof, RPLS, SIU, Staley Property, statistic report, Sunday hours, tech services, thank you note, weather closings, ZEXEL
Board of Trustees Meeting Packet- December 1996 -
Tags: 1996, Agenda, avenues of excellence, Baby Talk, bills and payroll, bloodborne pathogens, board of directors, Board of Trustees, budget, buildings plans, cd collection, Cheshire Public Library, children's division, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, clerical reorganization, Decatur IL, Decatur Pubic Library, December 1996, Expenditures, Extension Division, Family Reading Night, Foundation, friends, GEAC, Harristown non-resident cards, Head Start, internet, ISL grant, John Moorman, local fund drive, Long Range Plans, maintenance, Meeting, Minutes, November 1996, November 1996 minutes, October 1996, October 1996 minutes, Per Capita Grant, personnel policy and public relations, Poets in Person, RCC, Revenue, RPLS, salary schedule, Sears Building, Sears project, SPARK, stats report, Tax Levy, United Way, Volunteers
City Librarian's Report - July 1995
City Librarian's Report March 1995
Tags: 1995, Adult Services, baby bookmobile, Baby Talk, Black History Fair, BLDD, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, building plans, children's division, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Environmental Fair, extension services, FRED, internet training, Joan Bauer, John Moorman, LIBS 100+, maintenance, March 1995, OCLC FirstSearch Training, processing stats, summer school sites, Technical Services, user stats, World Population: Do We Have Enough Room