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Photo of John A. (Jack) Coughlin and his wife Carolyn, in their home.
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Coughlin, John A. (Jack), Mr. and Mrs. (Mrs. deceased 1/23/1956) 6/24/1942. Article on back of photo: "Describes Sensations During Shipwreck, Jack Coughlin Rescued, Corporal Now Visiting Wife, Parents Here by Harold…
Photo of John "Jack" Wright in flight suit, helmet and goggles, name on bottom of photo
Herald and Review Library: Wright, Jack; Article on back of photo; "Two well known Decatur boys, Aubrey Taylor and Jack Wright, were among the 44 Illinoisans who yesterday completed their basic training period as Flying Cadets at Randolph Field,…
Photo of Joe B. Livesary in uniform
Herald and Review Library; Livesay, Joe B., Article on back of photo; "Three Decatur men, all called in the naval reserve's first draft here Aug 11, were aboard the U. s. Hospital Ship Benevolence yesterday when it was rammed and went down in san…
Photo of Jayne L. Peel, right and Ruth A. Scheiter, left in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Peel, Jayne L., Seaman 1st class SPARS; Article on back of photo: "Spar Chums to Boston After Weekend Here; Jayne L. Peel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest B. Peel, 1362 North Main Street, and Ruth A. Scheiter, daughter of…
Tags: Decatur IL., SPARS, U. S. Coast Guard, World War II, WWII
Photo of Jane Tallman in uniform in flight jacket with name
Herald and Review Library: Tallman, Jane; Article on back of photo; "Full Fledged Wasp; Jane Tallman, 22, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tallman, No. 4 Montgomery place, was graduated last week from the Sweetwater, Texas training school for Women's…
Photo of James W. Lucas in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Lucas, James W., Article on back of photo; "James W. Lucas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lucas of 1890 North Twenty-second street, and Joseph S. Goldman, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Goldman of 250 West King street, spent last…
Tags: Decatur IL., Machinest, Navy, Spencer-Kellogg, World War II, WWII
Photo of James Stewart, left, in uniform with his brother Steve
Herald and Review Library: Stewart, James on left; Article on back of photo; "James, left and Steve Stewart, sons of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, rural route 5, Decatur, enlisted in the U. S. Army on July 3, 1941, and now are stationed in the same…
Tags: Army, Decatur IL., World War II, WWII
Photo of James S. Floyd in Uniform.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of: "James S. Floyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Floyd, Decatur, IL."
Photo of James S. Floyd in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Floyd, James S., 6/21/1952
Tags: Armed Forces, Decatur IL.
Photo of James R. Ethridge, Jr. Holding Signal Flags
Herald and Review Library: Photo of James R. Ethridge, Jr.; Article on back of photo: "James R. Ethridge, Jr., signalman, third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ethridge of 1003 South Shumway st., Taylorville, Ill., sends a message from the…