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  • Tags: exterior

Photos of the Staley Pump House Exterior and Interior

Photograph of the Staley Pump House with Staley Manufacturing and Office Building in the distance. Photograph of the Staley Pump House at lake level. Photograph of the Staley Pump House Light up at night. Photograph of the Pump House Interior.

Miscellaneous Photo of the A. E. Staley Co.

Photograph of 50th Anniversary Plaque. Photographs of the interior and exterior A. E. Staley Co. manufacturing. Photograph of elevator construction. Photographs of the explosion on 6/15/1954. Photograph of the front entrance to the A. E. Staley…

Photos of Soy Capital Bank Exterior and Interior.

Photographs of the Soy Capital Bank during construction, exterior, interior and drive-up, 1501 E. Eldorado, Decatur, IL.

Photos of Quigles Furniture Store Building.

BS2041-Quigles Furniture Store 1953-025.jpg
Photograph of Quigles Furniture Store Building and Bohon-Yockey Building next door. Photograph of the exterior of Quigles Furniture Store.

Photo of Landers Garage

Photograph of the Exterior of Landers Garage located at 350 E. William St., Decatur, IL.

Photos of J. C. Penney Co. and Montgomery Ward's.

BS1719-JC Penny 1965-340.jpg
Photographs of the J. C. Penney Co. during the winter of 1965, located at the corner of N. Water and North Street. "Men employees of the J. C. Penney Co. were wearing bright smocks in the BS1721 photo on Feb. 29, 1952, when women employees ran the…

Photo of Franklin Mall on 304 S. Franklin St., Decatur, IL.

BS1471-Franklin mall20210428_0001.jpg
Photograph of the Franklin Mall Building interior and exterior, located at 304 S. Franklin.

Photos of Leader Iron Works Interior, Buildings and Employees.
Photograph of Leader Iron Works Interior. "Photo ran Review 11/19/1905. Plant was located in 2100 Block N. Jasper St." Photos of Leader Iron Works Building. Photo of Employees Leader Iron Works. Photos of Leader Iron Works Building Exterior,…