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- Tags: exterior
Photos of the Staley Pump House Exterior and Interior
Miscellaneous Photo of the A. E. Staley Co.
Photos of Soy Capital Bank Exterior and Interior.
Tags: 1501 E. Eldorado, banking, Banks, BS2123, BS2124, BS2125, BS2126, BS2127, BS2128, BS2129, BS2130, BS2131, BS2132, BS2133, building, Business, Construction, Decatur IL., E. R. Giese Gen. Contractor, exterior, interior, Soy Capital Bank
Photos of Quigles Furniture Store Building.
Photo of Landers Garage
Photos of Two Kroger Stores located in Decatur, IL.
Tags: BS1763, BS1764, building, Business, c. 1940's, Decatur IL., exterior, Groceries, grocery store, Meat
Photos of J. C. Penney Co. and Montgomery Ward's.
Tags: Bs1719, BS1720, BS1721, building, Business, c. 1965, Decatur IL., Department Store, exterior, Montgomery Ward Co., N. Water St, North St, street
Photos of the Exterior of the Hotel Orlando.
Photo of Franklin Mall on 304 S. Franklin St., Decatur, IL.
Tags: 304 S. Franklin St., BD16, Bs1471, building, Business, Decatur IL., exterior, Franklin Mall, interior, Mall
Photos of Leader Iron Works Interior, Buildings and Employees.
Tags: 11/19/1905, 2100 Block N. Jasper St., BS133, BS134, BS135, BS136, BS1771, BS1772, BS376, Buildings, Business, Decatur IL., employees, exterior, Foundries, interior, Leader Iron Works