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Photo of Four Square Gospel Church
Photograph of Four Square Gospel Church, 300 Block E. Leafland Ave., Decatur, IL. "Parishioners Build Their Own Church. The 250 members of the Four Square Gospel church in Decatur, Ill. have constructed their new edifice, using only volunteer labor…
Photo of four sailors in uniform; L-R; Donald L. Warnick, Gerald E. Willis, Kenneth J. Mears, and Frederick Churchman
Herald and Review Library: Photo of four sailors; Article on back of photo; "These four young men were buddies through Decatur High school, and all four entered the navy on Dec 7. They have just completed preliminary training at Great Lakes, and are…
Photo of Forrest Kirby in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Kirby, Forrest; Article on back of photo; "Prior to entering the army together, both men were employees of the city, William d. in the engineering department, and Forrest in the street department. thy received their army…
Tags: Army, Decatur IL., World War II, WWII
Photo of Forrest Haines in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Haines, Forrest Pfc. Article on back of photo; "Haines at Fort Lewis, Pfc. Forrest Haines, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Haines, 750 West Grand Avenue, is at Fort Lewis, Wash. He entered service July 7, 1943."
Tags: Army, Decatur IL., World War II, WWII
Photo of Forrest G. Hunt in flight uniform with headset and name and rank
Herald and Review Library: Hunt, Forrest G. (unused) son of Mrs. Iva Hunt, 217 E. Washington.
Tags: Army Air Forces, Decatur IL., U. S. AAF, World War II, WWII
Photo of Former Negro Dance Hall
Photograph of the former Negro Dance Hall building, located at 867 N. Calhoun St., two unknown men in photo.
Photo of Flying Fortress crew from Alexandria Army Air Field, Alexandria, LA. inlcuding Lt. LaVerne N. Cummins
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Cummins, Lt. LaVerne N., 6/29/1944 unused. A member the Flying Fortress Crew of Alexandria, LA. Army Air Field. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Gussie O. Cummins, 1902 E. Main St., Decatur, IL. Lt. Cummins in second on left,…
Tags: Alexandria LA., Decatur IL, Flying Fortress, U. S. AAF, World War II, WWII
Photo of Flight Officer Mortimer C. Cox in flight suit
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Cox, Mortimer C., 2/12/1943 unused. Flight Officer Mortimer C. Cox, stationed at Blackland."
Tags: Blackland, Boechel City, Decatur IL, U.S. AAF, World War II, WWII
Photo of Five African American Macon County, IL. Draftees Standing on Courthouse Steps.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Five Draftees from Macon County, IL. "Article on back of photo; "These Negro men fro Decatur board No. 1 were scheduled to leave the city today for Peoria where they will receive physical examinations and may be…
Photo of Five African American Draftees Standing in Front of the Courthouse Steps.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Five Draftees; Article on back of photo; "Five selectees, Negroes, were scheduled to leave here at 7:20 a.m. today on an Illinois Terminal car to report at Peoria for examination preliminary to induction into army…