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Photo of White Front Grocery & Market Interior

Photograph of the White Front Grocery and Market interior. Grocery was located at 539 N. Water St., and owned by John S. Dey.

Photos of West's Drug Store Building

Photographs of West's Drug Store building, early 1900's.

Photos of the Wayne Theater Building Front

Photographs of the front of the Wayne Theater located at 1450 E. William St., Decatur, IL. "November 1945: The Wayne Theater, 1450 E. William St., is one of the first businesses financed by the G. I. Bill. Located around the corner is the American…

Photos of U. S. Officers Hear Small War Plant Needs.

Photographs of U. S. Officers Hear Small War Plant Needs. Seated L-R Maj. Grandville Gray, Jr., War dept. Chemical warfare service, and Maj. Irving Salmon, War Dept. Washington, D. C. Standing L-R Lt. Richard Morey, Lt. William Laverty, Lt. C. T.…

Photo of the Varsity Theater Building Front

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Photograph of the Varsity Theater building front located at 1100 W. Wood St., Decatur, IL.

Photos of Employees U. S. Signal Depot

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Photographs of U. S. Army Signal Depot. Group photograph of Army Group. Photograph of employees loading a truck with furniture. Photo of employees sitting at desks in an empty warehouse. Photograph of man operating a machine. Photographs of guard…