Browse Items (8659 total)

Photo of Haikalis Market corner of Jasper and E. Sangamon Streets, Decatur, IL.

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Photograph of the Haikalis Market Building located on the corner of Jasper and E. Sangamon Streets, Decatur, IL.

Photo of the H & W Tavern, 499 S. Franklin, Decatur, IL.

Photograph of the H & W Tavern located on the corner of Franklin and Decatur Streets, Decatur, IL.

Photos from the Grigoleit Co.

Photographs of products made by the Grigoleit Co. located on the corner of Woodford and Garfield Ave., Decatur, IL.

Photo of an Unknown Green House.

Photograph of an unknown green house filled with roses.

Photo of W. T. Grant Store at Fairview Plaza, Decatur, IL.

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Photographs of customers standing in line at the cash register at the W. T. Grant Co. Store in Fairview Plaza.

Photo of Gordon's Grocery

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Photograph of Gordon's Grocery Store located at 1204 E. Locust St., Decatur, IL.

Photo of Goodyear Store located at 411 E. William St., Decatur, IL.

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Photograph of the Goodyear Tire Store located at 411 E. William St., Decatur, IL.

Photo of Goodrich Silvertown Stores Building

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Photograph of the Goodrich Silvertown Store located at 317 W. Wood and Union Streets., Decatur, IL.

Photos of the Golden Harvest Restaurant.

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Photograph of the Golden Harvest Restaurant located on Rt. 48 and W. Grand Ave., Decatur, IL. "Building History: 1311 N. Rt. 48, at Oakland and Grand Avenues, next to Colonial Restaurant. Built 1946 as the Colonial Restaurant. Later became the Golden…