Browse Items (106 total)
- Tags: Railroad Map Collection
Illinois Central Railroad Track Map - Harrison Ave. and Graceland Ave. (1908)
Pennsylvania Railroad Company Side Track Agreement with McClelland Grocer Co., Nafziger Baking Co., James M. Allen, & Grace S. Allen (2/18/1926)
Tags: #8.003, 1926, 2/18/1926, agreement, businesses, collection, Decatur IL, document, E. Marietta St., Grace S. Allen, ISHRAB-2017-25-83, James M. Allen, map, Maps, McClelland Grocer Co., N. Clinton St., N. Morgan St., Nafziger Baking Co., Office of Division Engineer, Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Railroad Map Collection, side track, side track agreement, Streets, T.H. & P. RR, Track, track statement, Tracks
Illinois Traction Inc. Station Map - Stevens Creek to McClelland Ave. (12/31/1928, last revised 2/29/1936)
Tags: #8.003, 12/31/1928, 1928, additions, collection, Cushing 1st Addition, Decatur IL, Fairview Park, Fairview Place, Illinois Terminal Company, Illinois Traction Inc., ISHRAB-2017-25-79, ISHRAB-2017-25-80, ISHRAB-2017-25-81, ITS, map, Maps, McClelland Ave., Oak Crest Ave., Park Ridge Addition, Railroad Map Collection, record of changes made, station map, Stevens Creek, Streets, Summit Ave., Sunset Crest Addition, Tracks, W. Eldorado St., William St.
Illinois Traction Inc. Right of Way and Track Map - Running North from Race Track (12/31/1928)
Tags: #8.003, 12/31/1928, 1928, additions, Bradley & Campbell's Addition of out lots 2nd addition, collection, Decatur IL, ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Terminal Company, Illinois Terminal System, Illinois Traction Inc., Illinois-Iowa Power Co. substation, ISHRAB-2017-25-102, ISHRAB-2017-25-76, ITS, Kenwood Ave., map, Maps, Maywood Ct., McKinley Ave., Melrose Ct., N. Broadway St., N. Church St., N. Main St., N. Morgan St., N. Water St., Office of Chief Engineer, Poyntalle Downing Property, Race Track, Railroad Map Collection, record of changes made, right of way, right of way and track map, Streets, Track, track map, Tracks, Valuation Division, Van Buren St.
Illinois Traction Station Map - King St. to Harrison St. (12/31/1928)
Tags: #8.003, 12/31/1928, 1928, additions, Center St., collection, Cushing St., Decatur IL, Division St., Ebert Place, Englewood Addition, Frank Roach's Addition, Grand Ave., Grant St., Gulick St., Harrison Ave., Hunt St., Huron St., ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Terminal Company, Illinois Traction Inc., ISHRAB-2017-25-74, ISHRAB-2017-25-75, ITS, Kanan's Addition, Leafland Ave., Leafland Heights, map, Maple Ave., Maps, N. Pine St., O.J.E. Osborn's Addition of out lots, Office of Chief Engineer, Poole St., railroad, Railroad Map Collection, record of changes made, Sawyer St., Stephenson Home Place, Streets, Sunnyside, Thayer St., Tow 2nd Addition, Tracks, Valuation Division, W. Packard St., W.J. Quinlan's 1st Addition, W.J. Quinlan's 3rd Addition, Wagoner St., Walnut Grove Ave., Wilbur St.
Map of the Illinois Terminal Company Tracks West of Lake Decatur
Map of the Illinois Terminal Company Track Over Lake Decatur Near Faries Park (2/28/1968)
Illinois Traction Inc. Right of Way and Track Map - E. Garfield Ave. (12/31/1928, revised 3/9/1945)
Tags: #8.003, 12/31/1928, 1928, additions, Brush College Road, businesses, Cassel St., collection, Decatur IL, Division St., Garden Place, Garfield Ave., Geddes Ave., Heminger Heights, Homeland Addition, Illinois Terminal Company, Illinois Traction Inc., ISHRAB-2017-25-71, ITS, Logan St., map, Maps, Ninth St., Olive St., Phares Elwood Resurvey, public road, Race plat A, Race subdivision, Raceland Addition, Raceland subdivision of lot A plat C, Raceland subdivision plat A, Railroad Map Collection, record of changes made, right of way, right of way and track map, Spencer Kellogg, Streets, Swartz Siding, Track, track map, Tracks, Wabash, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, West Lake 3rd Addition of out lots, Weys lots 7 & 8
Illinois Traction Station Map - Water St. to Illinois Central Railroad Track (12/31/1928, revised 1/16/1958)
Tags: #8.003, 12/31/1928, 1928, additions, Bradley Campbell's 2nd addition, businesses, collection, Decatur IL, Denis Bradley Campbell's Addition of Out Lots, ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Terminal Company, Illinois Traction Inc, ISHRAB-2017-25-69, ITS, Jasper St., Leader Iron Works, map, Maps, Morgan St., Office of Chief Engineer, Railroad Map Collection, record of changes made, station map, Streets, Track, Tracks, Valuation Division, Water St.
Right of Way and Track Map for Illinois Traction Inc., Operated by Illinois Terminal Company - Brush College Rd to 2 Miles East Across Lake Decatur (12/31/1928, revised 3/7/1933)
Tags: #8.003, 12/31/1928, 1928, collection, Decatur IL, Decatur Township, Illinois Terminal Company, Illinois Traction Inc., ISHRAB-2017-25-68, Keller Siding, Lake Decatur, map, Maps, Oakley Township, public road, Railroad Map Collection, record of changes made, right of way, right of way and track map, Track, Wabash, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR.