Browse Items (31 total)
- Tags: N. Main St.
Wabash Railway Right of Way and Track Map - South of Rock Springs Rd. to Jackson St. (6/30/1919)
Tags: #8.003, 1919, 6/30/1919, Bridge, Bright St., Church St., collection, College St., Cottage Hill Ave., Decatur IL, Dunham St., Edward St., Fairview Ave., Fairview Rd., Haworth Ave., Home Ave., ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-125, Knights, Lincoln Park Dr., map, Maps, McClelland Ave., N. Franklin St., N. Jackson St., N. Main St., N. Mercer St., N. Monroe St., N. Oakland Ave., N. Pine St., N. Water St., Oakland Ct., Office of Chief Engineer, railroad, Railroad Ave., Railroad Map Collection, right of way, right of way and track map, Rock Springs Rd., S. Oakland Ave., Sangamon River, St. Louis Bridge, St. Louis Bridge Rd., State Route 48, State Rt. 48, Sunset Ave., Sycamore Ave., Track, Union St., University Ave., Van Dyke St., W. Cerro Gordo St., W. Decatur St., W. Eldorado St., W. Forest Ave., W. Green St., W. King St., W. Macon St., W. Main St., W. North St., W. William St., W. Wood St., Wabash, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Willow Ave.
Illinois Central Railroad Company Station Plat - Wilbur St. to N. Clinton St. (1/14/1911)
Tags: #8.003, 1/14/1911, 1911, Alexander Lumber Company, Beiman Heights Addition, C.C. Morrison Addition, C.W. Handy Addition, Church Hill Addition, collection, Decatur IL, E. Center St., E. Division St., F.M. Gaddis Addition, Francis St., Garfield Ave., Graceland Ave., Grand Ave., Harrison Ave., Hunter Bros. Addition, I.A. William's Resurvey, ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Central Railroad Company, Illinois Traction System, ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-85, ITS, Johnson Ave., M. Johnson subdivision, map, Maple St., Maps, N. Broadway St., N. Church St., N. Clinton St., N. College St., N. Edward St., N. Main St., N. Monroe St., N. Morgan St., N. Union St., N. Warren St., N. Water St., Olive St., Property of W.G. Traver Co., Railroad Map Collection, Richview, Roadmaster's Office, station plat map, W. Johnson St., Whitchell Addition, Whitchell Ave., Wilbur St., William's Subdivision
Profile of the Illinois Traction Inc. Decatur Belt Line (6/17/1925)
Tags: #8.003, 1925, 6/17/1925, belt line, Center St., Church St., Cushing St., Decatur IL, Dunham St., Elevation, Fairview Ave., Grand Ave., Green St., Harrison St., ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Traction Inc., ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-26, ITS, King St., Leafland Ave., McKinley Ave., N. Main St., N. Water St., Office of Engineer, profile, profile of Decatur belt line, Railroad Map Collection, Sawyer St., Streets, Union Blvd., Van Dyke St., Wabash, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Wagner St.
Wabash Railway Station Map: Lands, Tracks and Structures - Monroe St. to Wabash Yards (6/30/194?)
Tags: #8.003, 194?, 6/30/194?, additions, American Hominy Co., Assessor's subdivision, B.H. Carr's Addition, Barnett's Resurvey, Broadway St., businesses, Central Ave., Cerro Gordo St., Church St., Clerks Vision, collection, College St., County Subdivision J.F. Montgomery's Addition, Decatur IL, Durfee and King's Addition, Durfee Warren & Company's Addition, Edward St., Eldorado St., Erman Survey, Fearn & Bruce Subdivision, Front St., Gibb's Addition, H. Mueller Mfg Co., H.R. Durfee's Addition, Hammer's Resurvey, Henry Prather's Addition, Huff Bros. Resurvey, ICRR, ICRR depot, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Terminal System, ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-133, ITS, ITS freight house, Jackson St., Joseph King's Addition, King St., lands, map, Maps, Martin and Gatzing's Addition, Maryland St., Mason St., Monroe St., Morgan St., Mueller Mfg Co. Resurvey, N. Main St., Northern Cross, Plant and Tuttle's Addition, Prather Addition, R.J. Oglesby's Addition, Railroad Map Collection, Reed & Co's Addition, S.K. Thompson Addition, Sangamon St., Schroll's subdivision, station map, stock yards, Streets, structures, Swearingan's Resurvey, Tracks, Union St., V.H. Park's Warehouse, W. Green St., Wabash, Wabash Depot, Wabash freight house, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, Wabash YMCA, Wait * Company's Addition, Water St., Western Addition, Yards
Illinois Traction, Inc. Right of Way and Track Map - North Along Broadway St. (12/31/1928)
Tags: #8.003, 12/31/1928, 1928, Bradley & Campbell's 2nd Addition, Bradley & Campbell's Addition of out lots, Broadway St., collection, Decatur IL, ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Terminal Company, Illinois Traction Inc., Illinois-Iowa Power Co. substation, ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-77, ITS, Kenwood Ave., map, Maps, Maywood Ct., McKinley Ave., Melrose Ct., N. Church St., N. Main St., N. Morgan St., Office of Chief Engineer, Race Track, Railroad Map Collection, record of changes made, right of way, right of way and track map, Tracks, Valuation Division, Van Buren St., Water St.
Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western RR Right of Way and Track Map - Fairview Ave to Franklin St. (6/30/1918 - Revised 6/7/1959)
Tags: #8.003, 1918, 1959, 6/30/1918, 6/7/1959, B&O, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, Bright St., Cerro Gordo St., Church St., CI&W RR, Cincinnati Indianapolis & Western RR, collection, College St., Cottage Hill Ave., Decatur IL, Edward St., Fairview Ave., Haworth Ave., Home Ave., ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-9, map, Maps, Mason St., N. Main St., N. Mercer St., N. Monroe St., N. Pine St., N. Water St., Office of Valuation Engineer, Railroad Map Collection, revised, right of way, right of way and track map, S. Franklin St., S. Oakland Ave., Sangamon River, St. Louis Bridge, Streets, Sunset Ave., Track, Union St., Van Dyke St., W. Decatur St., W. Eldorado St., W. Forest Ave., W. Green St., W. King St., W. Macon St., W. Main St., W. North St., W. William St., W. Wood St., Wabash, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR
Illinois Traction, Inc. Right of Way and Track Map - N. Main St. to N. Woodford St. (12/31/1928)
Tags: #8.003, 12/31/1928, 1928, addition, assessors subdivision, B. Dills Subdivision, B.G. Pagh Estate, Bering Addition, Broadway St., Calhoun St., Carl St., Center St., Charles St., Clayton St., Clinton St., collection, Columbia Heights, Commissioners Addition, Condit St., Cornthwaits Addition, Crowder & Roberts Addition, D.F. Shelley's Addition, Decatur Brick Co., Decatur Chamber of Commerce 1st Addition of out lots, Decatur IL, Durfee Addition, Garfield Ave., Harrision St., Haywoods Addition, Herkimer St., Hickory St., Hunter Bros Addition, ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Terminal Company, Illinois Terminal System, Illinois Traction Inc., ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-96, ITS, ITS Decatur shops, Jasper St., John Williams Addition, Johnson Ave., Johnson St., Lane Addition, Laughlins Addition, Leafland St., Locust St., Lowber St., M. Johnsons Subdivision, map, Maps, Marietta St., Montgomery & Schulls 2nd Addition, Montgomery & Schulls Addition, Morgan St., Murphy's Addition of out lots, N. Main St., N. Water St., North Addition, North Side Addition, Office of Chief Engineer, Olive St., Orchard St., Powers 1st Addition, Powers 2nd Addition, Powers 4th Addition, Powers 9th Addition, Railroad Ave., Railroad Map Collection, Railroads, record of changes made, right of way, right of way and track map, Streets, Stuart St., track map, Tracks, Valuation Division, W. Division St., W. Packard St., Waggoner St., Waggoner's Addition, Walnut St., Warren St., Whitchell Addition
Wabash Railway Tracks - Mercer St. to N. Main St.
Tags: #8.003, additions, Armour Co., Assessor's Addition, businesses, C.H. Moore's Addition, Cerro Gordo St., Church St., collection, College St., Decatur IL, Durfee's Addition, E.B. Durfee's 1st Addition, Edward St., Eldorado St., Fearn & Bruce's Addition, Gibb's Addition, Green St., H. Robinson's Addition, Heirs of B.R. Durfee, Illinois Traction System, ISHRAB-2017-25-124, ITS, ITS freight house, Joseph King's Addition, map, Maps, Mercer St., Monroe St., N. Main St., R.J. Oglesby's Addition, railroad, Railroad Map Collection, S.K. Thompson's 1st Addition, S.K. Thompson's 2nd Addition, Streets, Suffern-Hunt & Co., Union St., V.H. Park & Son, Wabash, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Western Addition
Wabash Railway Track - Monroe St. to Water St.
Tags: #8.003, American Hominy Co., Assessor's subdivision, B.H. Carr's Addition, Barnett's Resurvey, Cerro Gordo St., Church St., Clerks Vision, collection, College St., County Subdivision, Decatur IL, Durfee & King's Addition, E.B. Durfee's 1st Addition, Edward St., Erman Survey, Fearn & Bruce Subsdivision, Gibb's Addition, H. Mueller Manufacturing Co., H. Mueller Mfg Co. Resurvey, H. Robinson's Addition, H.B. Durfee's Addition, Hammer's Resurvey, ISHRAB-2017-25-123, J.F. Montgomery's Addition, Joseph King's Addition, map, Maps, Monroe St., N. Main St., R.J. Oglesby's Addition, Railroad Map Collection, S.K. Thompson's Addition, Schroll's subdivision, Track, Union St., W. Eldorado St., W. Green St., W. King St., Wabash, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Water St., Western Addition
Wabash Railroad Right of Way and Track Map - McClelland Ave. to Wabash Yards (6/18/1953)
Tags: #8.003, 16th St., 1953, 22nd St., 23rd St., 24th St., 27th St., 29th St., 31st St., 32nd St., 33rd St., 34th St., 6/18/1953, A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co., addition, Arch St. Illinois St., B&O RR, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Base Line Rd., Black & Co., Board of Education, Bradford St., Broadway St., Calhoun St., car shop, Central Ave., Cerro Gordo St., Chambers Bering & Quinlan Co., Charles St., Church St., Clayton St., Clement C. Walters 2nd Fairland Addition, Clement C. Walters Fairland Addition, coach painting shop, coach shop, collection, Condit St., Cottage Hill Ave., Decatur Fans Association, Decatur Foundry Co., Decatur IL, Division St., Dodson's 2nd Addition, Donovan Heights 1st, Dunham St., E. Eldorado St., E. Main St., E. North St., E. Prairie St., E. William St., E. Wood St., East Ave., Economy Homes Addition, Fairview Ave., Folk St., Franklin St., Geddes Ave., Grand Ave., Hickory St., ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois State Highway Department, Illinois Traction System, ISHRAB-2017-25-120, ITS, Jackson St., Jasper St., Jordan St., Leafland Ave., Lewis Shaw, locomotive shop, Locust St., Logan St., Lowber St., machine shop, Mammon's Addition, map, Maps, Mason St., McClelland Ave., mill & tin shop, Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Co., Morgan St., N. Clinton St., N. College St., N. Edward St., N. Main St., N. Mercer St., N. Monroe St., N. Pine St., Northeast Land Improvement Company, Oakland Ave., Oakland Ct., Office of Chief Engineer, Olive St., Orchard St., Park Dr., Pearl St., Planing Mill, Powers 1st Addition, Powers 3rd Addition, Powers 4th Addition, Powers 5th Addition, Powers 7th Addition, Powers 8th Addition, Powers 9th Addition, Raceland Plat "D" in Plat "A", railroad, Railroad Map Collection, reclamation plant, right of way, right of way and track map, Sangamon River, Sangamon St., St. Johns Lutheran Evangelical Church, State St., Stone St., store house, Sunset Ave., Sycamore Ave., Track, University Ave., Van Dyke St., W. Decatur St., W. Eldorado St., W. Forest Ave., W. Green St., W. King St., W. Macon St., W. Main St., W. Marietta St., W. North St., W. Prairie Ave., W. William St., W. Wood St., Wabash, Wabash Hospital, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, Waggoner St., Walnut St., Water St., Willow Ave., Witt St., Woodford St., Yards