Browse Items (118 total)
- Tags: railroad
Photo of the Wabash Depot.
Tags: BS2442, Business, Decatur IL., Depot, railroad, Travel, Wabash Cannon Ball, Wabash Depot, Wabash R.R.
Wabash Railway Station Map: Tracks and Structures -Wabash Yards (6/30/1919)
Tags: #8.003, 1919, 22nd St., 4th St., 5th St., 6/30/1919, 6th St., A.E. Staley Mfg. Co., American Hominy Co., Arch St., boiler and tank shed, boiler room, Calhoun St., canopy and coal receiving pit, cement storage, Chambers Bering & Quinlan Co., Charles St., Clayton St., coal storage bins, collection, concrete fillup and washout tanks, Decatur Foundry Co., Decatur IL, dry sand tanks, East Ave., electric shop, flue storage, Foreman's Office, grease forming plant, hoist house, Illinois St., ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-131, Jasper St., lavatory and lockers for colored, locomotive blacksmith shop, locomotive shop, locomotive store room, Lowber St., lumber rack, machine shop, map, Maps, Marietta St., Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Co., N. Folk St., N. Jordan St., oil pump house, Orchard St., paint shop, Pearl St., railroad, Railroad Map Collection, round house, Roundhouse, sand drying room, Sangamon St., shop and offices, signal repair shop, station map, Stone St., structures, Tracks, Wabash, Wabash Ave., Wabash office, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, wash room, wash room and lockers, wet sand storage, wheel storage, Witt St., Woodford St., Yards
Wabash Railway Right of Way and Track Map - South of Rock Springs Rd. to Jackson St. (6/30/1919)
Tags: #8.003, 1919, 6/30/1919, Bridge, Bright St., Church St., collection, College St., Cottage Hill Ave., Decatur IL, Dunham St., Edward St., Fairview Ave., Fairview Rd., Haworth Ave., Home Ave., ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-125, Knights, Lincoln Park Dr., map, Maps, McClelland Ave., N. Franklin St., N. Jackson St., N. Main St., N. Mercer St., N. Monroe St., N. Oakland Ave., N. Pine St., N. Water St., Oakland Ct., Office of Chief Engineer, railroad, Railroad Ave., Railroad Map Collection, right of way, right of way and track map, Rock Springs Rd., S. Oakland Ave., Sangamon River, St. Louis Bridge, St. Louis Bridge Rd., State Route 48, State Rt. 48, Sunset Ave., Sycamore Ave., Track, Union St., University Ave., Van Dyke St., W. Cerro Gordo St., W. Decatur St., W. Eldorado St., W. Forest Ave., W. Green St., W. King St., W. Macon St., W. Main St., W. North St., W. William St., W. Wood St., Wabash, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Willow Ave.
Partial Map of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Tracks over the Sangamon River at the Staley Bridge
Map of Decatur & Environs Showing the Norfolk & Western Railroad (3/1968)
Tags: #8.003, 1968, 6/1968, B&O, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, collection, Decatur IL, grade crossing, grade separation, ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Power Company, ISHRAB-2017-25-1, Macon County IL, map, map of Decatur & Environs, Maps, N&W, Norfolk & Western Railroad, railroad, Railroad Map Collection
Wabash Railway Station Map: Lands, Tracks, & Structures - Fairview Ave. to Monroe St. (6/30/1919)
Tags: #8.003, 6/30/1919, A. Watts Addition, Adamson & Prather's Addition, additions, Anna B. Millikin Home, Avenue Park Addition, Bright St., Bundy's Addition, businesses, Cerro Gordo St., collection, College St., Cottage Hill Ave. Sunset Ave., Decatur IL, Dunham's Addition, E.B. Durfee's 2nd Addition, E.B. Durfee's 3rd Addition, E.B. Durfee's Addition, George F. Wessel's Addition, H.A. Wood Addition, H.H. Brown's 2nd Subdivision, H.H. Brown's Subdivision, H.S. Evan's Subdivision, H.S. Evans 2nd Subdivision, Hiram Johnson's Subdivision, Home Ave., Isabell's Addition, ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-130, John Allen resurvey, lands, Locus Addition, map, Maps, Marilla Dunham Place, McCaskill's 2nd Addition, McCaskill's 3rd Addition, Mercer St., Millikin Place, Millikin's 2nd Addition, Millikin's Addition, Mueller Manufacturing Co., Mueller's Addition, N. Monroe St., N. Oakland Ave., N. Pine St., Oakland Place, Oaklawn Addition, Office of Chief Engineer, Peter H. Brueck's 2nd Addition, Peter H. Brueck's Addition, Polar Ice Co., R.E. Kinney's Addition, railroad, Railroad Map Collection, S.K. Thompson's 2nd Addition, S.K. Thompson's Addition, Simpson's 2nd Addition, Simpson's Addition, station map, Streets, structures, Tracks, University Place, Van Dyke St., W. Decatur St., W. Eldorado St., W. Forest Ave., W. Green St., W. Macon St., W. Main St., W. North St., W. William St., W. Wood St., Wabash, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, West Park Addition of out lots, Woodland Addition, Yates & King's Addition
Wabash Railway Station Map: Lands, Tracks & Structures - Along State Route 48 (6/30/1927)
Wabash RR Map Showing Right of Way from the Old Junction of the Decatur & E. St. Louis RR to Sangamon River (12/1/1909) (partial map)
Tags: #8.003, 12/1/1909, 1909, additions, Bellevue Place, businesses, collection, College St., Decatur & E. St. Louis RR, Decatur IL, E.B. Durfee's 1st Addition, E.B. Durfee's 2nd Addition, E.B. Durfee's 3rd Addition, Eldorado St., H. Robinson's Addition, ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-121, Kearn & Bruces's Addition, map, Maps, McCaskill's Addition, Millikin Place., Monroe St., N. Mercer St., N. Pine St., North St., Office of Chief Engineer, old junction of Decatur & E. St. Louis RR, Park Place, Polar Ice & Storage Co., railroad, Railroad Map Collection, right of way map, S.K. Thompson's 1st Addition, S.K. Thompson's 2nd Addition, Sangamon River, Streets, Tracks, Van Dyke St., W. Cerro Gordo St., W. Green St., W. Prairie St., W. William St., Wabash, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, West Park Addition of outlots, Western Addition, Yates & Kings Addition
Railroad Index Map (7/10/1990)
Illinois Central Railroad Plat of Portion of P.D. & E Old Main (5/11/1912)
Tags: #8.003, 1912, 5/11/1912, additions, Becker Place, Bellevue Place. Bright St., collection, Decatur IL, Dunham St., Durfee's 2nd Addition, Durfee's Addition, ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, ISHRAB-2017-25, Leafland Heights Addition, Leafland St. W. Packard St., map, Maps, Mercer St., N. Pine St., Office of Road Master, PD&E RR, Peoria Decatur & Evansville Railroad, plat map, Pleasant View Addition, railroad, Railroad Map Collection, Streets, Track, W. Grand Ave., W. Green St., W. King St., W. Marietta St., W. View St., W.J. Quinlan's 2nd Addition, W.J. Quinlan's 3rd Addition, Wabash, Wabash Ave., Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Westley Carr Estate