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Photos of Spudnuts Building on N. Water St.

BS2147-Spudnuts N Water st098.jpg
Photographs of Spudnuts Building on 2779 N. Water Street, Decatur, IL. in the 1970. Spudnuts had a store 1269 N. Edward St. in 1958.

Photographs of Warrensburg High School 1958
Aerial view of Warrensburg High School, audience in auditorium, and girls basketball game.

Photographs of Eisenhauer Sports Teams
Photographs of Eisenhauer Football Team, Basketball Team, and Baseball Teams, State Champions in 1962.

Photographs of Roach School Building and Classroom Group Photos.
Photograph of Roach School Building taken in 1913 by Wasson Studios, ran in the Review Sept 7, 1913. Roach School Building in 1940's. Classroom photo taken 1936-1941. Group photo taken Oct 4, 1960. Group photo 3rd Grade Miss Milligan, 1950's. Group…

Dividend Announcement for Weekly Premium Life Policies 1958

This is a brochure of the dividend announcement for weekly premium life insurance policies dated 1958 explaining the dividend additions.