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- Tags: Staley Viaduct
Photos of the Staley Viaduct.
Photos of A. E. Staley Manufacturing Co.
Staley Viaduct Looking North
David Satterfield's Oral History
Tags: "Iron Man" Joe McGinnity, 1983, A.E. Staley Manufacturing Company, A.E. Staley Sr., Baseball, Betty Turnell, Boy Scout camp, Charlie Dressen, Chicago Bears, corn starch, cream corn starch, David Satterfield, Decatur IL, Decatur Memorial Hospital, Decatur Staleys, DMH, fabric softener, Football, George Halas, interview, January 1983, Lake Decatur, Millikin University, oral history, recording, soybeans, Sta-Puff laundry, Staley Bears, Staley building, Staley Company, Staley Library, Staley Pancake Syrup, staley swimming pool, Staley teams, Staley Viaduct, Staley wing, Wagner fruit drinks, YMCA
Thomas W. Samuels' Oral History
Tags: 1980, aldermen, author, Betty Turnell, book, Carrolton IL, changes to Decatur, Charles C. LeForgee, Decatur IL, Decatur in 1914, East St. Louis High School, Fire Department, Harvard, Human Relations Commission, interview, Lake Decatur, law school, lawyer, Lawyer in Action, LeForgee Vail and Miller, Macon County Tuberculosis Sanatarium, November 1980, oral history, race relations, recording, Samuels Miller Schroeder Jackson & Sly, Staley Company, Staley Viaduct, Streetcars, tax law, Thomas W. Samuels, University of Illinois, World War I
Photos of Staley Viaduct Construction, North 22nd Street, 1927.
Elmer R. Elder and His Family
Tags: Assistant supervisor, biography, Board of Supervisors, chairman of hard roads, Decatur Herald and Review, Decatur IL, Decatur Township, Elder family, Elmer R. Elder, Grace Methodist Church, Lions Club, Masons, Mayor, mayor of Decatur, Modern Woodmen of America, Photo File: Biography, Rembrandt Studios, Route 10, Staley Viaduct, unknown children, unknown woman