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Photo of The Music Box Building 816 S. 16th St.

Photograph of The Music Box Building located at 816 S. 16th Street, Decatur, IL.

Photo of W. H. Muzzy Music House Automobile
Photograph of W. H. Muzzy Music House Automobile and Men in the background.

Photo of Decatur Music Center Building
Photograph of the Decatur Music Center located at 115-1/2 S. Main St., Decatur, IL.

Funeral Announcement for Mrs. Anna Hibbs - January 9, 1912, page 10, Daily Review

This is the funeral announcement for Mrs. Anna Hibbs dates January 9, 1912. It appeared on the tenth page of the Decatur Daily Review. This announcement listed the church, pastor, music, and pallbearers. She was buried in Greenwood cemetery.

Ora Rodgers - Millikin University Music Faculty
This is the glass negative of Ora Rodgers, a member of the Millikin University music faculty. The photo was taken by Charles Wasson of Wasson Studios in Decatur, IL in the early 1900s.

Photograph of Classroom at Brush College #2
Photo of Students with headphones ready to listen to music in classroom at Brush College #2.

Ethel Primm - Millikin University Music Faculty
These are the glass negatives of Ethel Primm, a member of the Millikin University music faculty. The photos were taken by Charles Wasson of Wasson Studios in Decatur, IL in the early 1900s.

Ruth Lavery - Millikin University
These are the glass negatives of Ruth Lavery, as both a student and member of faculty of Millikin University. The photos were taken by Charles Wasson of Wasson Studios in Decatur, IL in the early 1900s.

M.U. Gallup - Millikin University Music Faculty
This is the glass negative of M.U. Gallup, a member of the Millikin University music faculty. The photo was taken by Charles Wasson of Wasson Studios in Decatur, IL in the early 1900s.

Prof. Aage Fredereck - Music Faculty
This is the glass negative of Prof. Aage Fredereck, a member of the music faculty at Millikin University. The photo was taken by Charles Wasson of Wasson Studios in Decatur, IL in the early 1900s.