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Illinois Central Railroad - Showing Sewers & Pavement at Prairie St. Subway (5/20/1916)
This drawing shows the Illinois Central Railroad Prairie St. subway's sewers and pavement in 1916.
Photos of Decatur Newspaper Carriers.
Photographs of Daily Review Newspaper Carriers, Decatur, IL.
Tags: 1916, BS852, BS853, BS854, BS931, Business, Daily Review, Decatur IL., Newspaper Carriers, Newspapers, State Fair
Photos of the Lincoln Theatre located on N. Main St., Decatur, IL.
Photographs taken at the Lincoln Theatre, audience, interior, exterior and marquee.
Tags: 1916, BS2518, BS2519, BS2520, BS2521, BS2522, BS2523, Business, Decatur IL., exterior, interior, Lincoln Theatre, Marquee, N. Main St., Opening Night Audience, S2524, Theatres
Post card from William Hibbs to William Hibbs - May 4, 1916
This is a post card from Henry Hibbs to William Hibbs dated May 4, 1916. It tells that all is well and hopes all well at home. There is a birthday greeting on the front of the card as well as a floral picture. The postcard it from Rockport.
Marriage Announcement and Pictures of Mrs. Goldie Jones and Mr. William C. Neathery - Decatur Herald - July 2, 1916
This is the marriage announcement of Mrs. Goldie Jones and Mr. William C. Neathery published in the Decatur Herald on July 2, 1916.
Photographs of Boat Houses along the Sangamon River
Photographs of boat houses along the Sangamon River before the valley was flooded to create Lake Decatur.
Tags: 1916, boat, Boat House, Cabin, Decatur IL, house, lake, Lake Decatur, Photo File: Lake Decatur, River, Sangamon, Sangamon River
Nathan L. Krone
Photo of Nathan L. Krone (d. 3/31/1916). Decatur druggist for over 60 years. He came to Decatur in 1839 and began clerking in the Stamper & Condell store and then in 1852 he went to the King and Reed drug store and was there until 1855. He later…
William T. Howell
Photograph of William T. Howell (d. 1/21/1916). He was a well known farmer in Oakley Township, and raised grain and stock. He owned 400 acres of land in Macon County. The photo was taken by Haws, and ran in the Decatur Daily Review on January 25,…
Bert J. Hardy
Photograph of Bert J. Hardy (d. 11/2/1916). He was a shoe salesman in Decatur for 35 years. He was a member of the Folrath & Hardy store, which became Folrath & Folrath. In 1899, he formed a partnership with Walter Hutchin at 139 N. Water St.…
Edward Danner
Photograph of Edward Danner (b. 6/21/1869, d. 6/1932). He came to Decatur in 1900, resided there until 1928 when he moved to Columbus, OH. He was the state manager for Aultman and Taylor Threshing Machine Co. He became the director of the…