Browse Items (21 total)

  • Tags: 1960

Photographs of Roach School Building and Classroom Group Photos.
Photograph of Roach School Building taken in 1913 by Wasson Studios, ran in the Review Sept 7, 1913. Roach School Building in 1940's. Classroom photo taken 1936-1941. Group photo taken Oct 4, 1960. Group photo 3rd Grade Miss Milligan, 1950's. Group…

Photographs of Children Playing
Various photographs of children playing taken in 1936, 1945, 1948, 1958 and 1960.

Photograph of Wabash R.R. Wreck in Litchfield
Photograph of the Wabash R.R. diesel engine EMD Model E-8A #1008 wreck in Litchfield, IL on September 22nd, 1960.

Photographs of Staff at the Carnegie Library
Various photographs of staff at the Carnegie Library taken in 1954 and 1960.