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Photos of Homes on West Macon Street taken 8/30/1971.
Photographs of homes along West Macon Street taken 8/30/1971.
Photos of Home on West Prairie Street, Decatur, IL.
Photograph of home at 215 West Prairie Street. Erected by A. T. Hill and torn down in 1925, taken March 1912. Photograph of home at 230 West Prairie Street. John R. Bradshaw home, known as the Bradshaw apartments. It was sold by H. Vincent Allen ,…
Tags: 1912, 1941, 1948, 1954, 215 W. Prairie, 230 W. Prairie, 276 W. Prairie, 318 W. Prairie, A. T. Hill, B. G. McReynolds, Bradshaw Apartments, Jerome F. Gorin, John R. Bradshaw, Lillian Chadsey, Linn & Scruggs, Mary M. Heilman, Mrs. M. E. Grover, Mrs. Sadie Barber, Photo File: Streets, Streets, W. R. Scruggs
Photos of Home and Rubble - Greenwood Addition
Photograph of House in the Greenwood Addition. Photo of empty lot filled with rubble, Greenwood Addition.
Photos of Historic Landmarks.
Photograph of old automobiles with the transfer house in the back ground. Photograph looking down on Transfer House, bus and cars. Photograph of new construction Lincoln Square.
Photos of Hinman Knitting Factory
Photograph of the Hinman Knitting Factory, 1908, "Photo ran in the Review Dec 31, 1908. This factory was located at 601 N. Church St."
Photos of High Ice Cream Factory
Photograph of the people working at High Ice Cream Factory at 1247 N. Main Street, Decatur, IL. Photograph of Ice Cream Vending at the High Ice Cream Factory at 1247 N. Main St., Decatur, IL.
Photos of Hi-Flier Kite Company.
Photographs of the Hi-Flier Co. employees, manufacturing, and design.
Tags: BS1556, BS1557, BS1558, BS1559, BS1560, BS1561, BS1562, Business, Decatur IL., Designing, employees, Hi-Flier Kite Co., Manufacturing, painting
Photos of Heinkel Packing Co. and Grocery
Photograph of men standing at the retail counter of Heinkel Packing Co. Photograph of meat stuffed into a casing. Photograph of Heinkel Meat and Grocery store interior, located on E. Eldorado St.
Photos of Hayes Freight Lines
Photographs of the Hayes Freight Lines Building and Trucks located 2800 N. Main St., Decatur, IL.
Tags: 2800 N. Main, BS1538, BS1539, BS1540, BS1541, building, Decatur IL., freight, Hauling, Hayes Freight Lines, trucks
Photos of Harbor Inn Tavern.
Photographs of the Harbor Inn Tavern Building located E. Wood St. Road, in Long Creek Township.