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  • Tags: employees

Photos of Employees Working in the Factory.

Photographs of employees working in the factory and a milling process.

Photos of Schudel's Laundry Building, Delivery Trucks and Employees.

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Photographs of Schudel's Laundry Building 157 W. Main Street, Decatur, IL. Photographs of Schudel's Laundry Delivery Trucks and Employees.

Photo of George G. Mochel Meat Market.

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Photograph of George G. Mochel and employees behind the meat counter.

Photos of Michl's Cigar Store Indian, Photos of Store Employees.

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Photographs of Michl's Cigar Store Indian Statue. Employees discussing cigars and employee behind the counter.

Photos of Kane Engraving Co.

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Photos of Kane Engraving Co. building, employees and equipment, located at 138 W. William St., Decatur, IL.

Photos of K-Mart Store Interior.

Photographs of the K-Mart Store Interior, ribbon cutting, customers, employees and parking lot. Store was located Rt. 36 East and Rt. 121.

Photo of John Riel Employees

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Photograph of John Riel Employees Standing on and in Front of Wagon Pulled with Horses.

Photos of Employees Huston-Patterson Corporation.

Miscellaneous Photographs of Employees of the Huston-Patterson Corporation.