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Annual budget - board of directors - 1990-1991
Board of Directors Meeting - April 18, 1991
Tags: 1991, Agenda, April 1991, avenues of excellence, bills and payments, board of directors, Board of Trustees, brochures, City Librarian's Report, Committee Reports, Decatur Celebration, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, film festival, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends of the library budget, James Seidl, labor negotiations, Meeting, Minutes, nominating committee, non-resident fees, Revenue, RPLS, staff moral, tuck pointing, Volunteers
Board of Directors Meeting - August 15, 1991
Tags: 1991, August 1991, automation cash flow chart, AV bookmobile material, avenues of excellence, bills and payments, board of directors, Board of Trustees, book sale, budget, business information center, City Librarian's Report, Committee Reports, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Finance and Properties, First Night, Foundation, friends, James Seidl, Long Range Plans, McNaughton material, Meeting, Minutes, operations review, personnel policy and public relations, property tax levy, Richard Lockmiller, RPLS, Summer Reading Program, video taping
Board of Directors Meeting - December 19, 1991
Tags: 1991, Agenda, avenues of excellence, bills and payments, board of directors, Board of Trustees, business information center, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, CLSI, Committee Reports, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December 1991, Finance and Properties, First Night, flexible benefit package, Foundation, Friends of the Library store, James Seidl, labor negotiations, Library newsletter, Local History Room Remodel, Long Range Plans, Meeting, Minutes, Per Capita Grant, Tax Levy, Tree of Wishes, Volunteers
Board of Directors Meeting - July 18, 1991
Tags: 1991, Agenda, AV material bookmobile, avenues of excellence, Baby Talk, BIC, bills and payments, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Budget and Technology report, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, Committee Appointments, Committee Reports, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Finance and Properties, Foundations, Friends of the Library, James Seidl, July 1991, Local History renovations, Long Range Plans, Meeting, Minutes, Naughton material, Revenue, RPLS, Seniorama, taping board meetings
Board of Directors Meeting - March 1991
Tags: 1991, Agenda, avenues of excellence, bills and payments, board of directors, Board of Trustees, budget, business information center, City Librarian's Report, Committee Reports, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, fund raising, hiring freeze, James Seidl, job description city librarian, March 1991, Meeting, Minutes, queuing, RPLS, uninterruptible power supply, weather closings
Board of Directors Meeting - June 1991
Tags: 1991, Agenda, AV material bookmobile, BIC grant, bills and payments, board of directors, Board of Trustees, brochure, City Librarian's Report, Committee Reports, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, James Seidl, Local History renovations, Long Range Plans, McNaughton material, Meeting, Minutes, nominating committee, Per Capita Grant, prevailing wage rate, retrospective conversion
Board of Directors Meeting - November 1991
Tags: 1991, Agenda, avenues of excellence, bills and payments, board of directors, Board of Trustees, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, close session, CLSI, Committee Reports, customer service training, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, finance and properties, Foundation, Friends Book Sale, James Seidl, Local History renovations, Long Range Plans, Meeting, Minutes, November 1991, patron usage survey, rental collection, Tables of Organization, TDD, University of Illinois, videotaping board meetings
Board of Directors Meeting - October 17, 1991
Tags: 1991, Agenda, automation, avenues of excellence, bills and payment, board of directors, Board of Trustees, City Librarian's Report, CLSI contract, Committee Reports, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Finance and Properties, Foundation, Friends of the Library, James Seidl, Local History renovations, Long Range Plans, Meeting, Minutes, October 1991, personnel policy and public relations, RPLS, Shilling Foundation, Staff, Table of Organization, TDD, Volunteers
Board of Directors Meeting - September 1991
Tags: 1991, agena, avenues of excellence, bills and payments, board of directors, Board of Trustees, budget, City Librarian's Report, Committee Reports, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, holiday hours, James Seidl, labor negotiations, Meeting, Minutes, operations review, RPLS, September 1991, Staley Company, video taping board meeting