Browse Items (8609 total)
Per Capita Grant Application - June 1995
Tags: 1995. June 1995, avenues of excellence, board of directors, Board of Trustees, capita monies, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, equalization air, expenditures of FY1995, grant application, John Moorman, June 1994, Mission Statement, Per Capita Grant, population served, resolution prevailing wage rate, use of last years grant, use of monies
Monthly Statistical Report - February, March, April, May, July, August, September, and October 1995
Tags: 1995, August 1995, board of directors, Board of Trustee, Circulation, computer down time, current vacancies, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, February 1995, Financial report, John Moorman, July 1995, March 1995 April 1995, May 1995, new patrons registered, October 1995, patrons in building, personnel activity, professional assists, September 1995, staff strengths, statistical reports, Technical Services
Circulation of McNaughton Collection 1991-1995
City of Decatur Report of Expenditures to Budget 1994-1995
Tags: 1994-1995, August 1995, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Breckenridge Trust, Bridges Trust, Cantoni Trust, capital outlay, commodities, contractual services, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, expenditures to budget, John Moorman, library capital, November 1995, other charges, personal services, salaries and wages, September 1995
Bills and Payroll - 1995 - April, October, August, March, May and July, september, November
Tags: 1995. April 1995. August 1995, amount, bills and payments, board of directors, Board of Trustees, capital, check date, check number, date of request, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, description, fines and fees, fund balance, government revenue, investment income, John Moorman, July 1995, March 1995, May 1995, November 1995, October 1995, other investment, September 1995, Taxes, trusts, vendor
Personnel Policy and Public Relations Committee Meeting October 1995
Tags: 1995, anniversary date, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, grievance policy, John Moorman, life insurance, medial insurance, Meeting, Minutes, October 1995, Owen Barding, payroll database, personnel policy and public relations, table of library organization, tax laws, vacation periods
Monthly Circulation Statistics 1995
January 1995
April 1995
February 1995
May 1995
November 1995
September 1995
City Librarian's Report March 1995
Tags: 1995, Adult Services, baby bookmobile, Baby Talk, Black History Fair, BLDD, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, building plans, children's division, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Environmental Fair, extension services, FRED, internet training, Joan Bauer, John Moorman, LIBS 100+, maintenance, March 1995, OCLC FirstSearch Training, processing stats, summer school sites, Technical Services, user stats, World Population: Do We Have Enough Room
Revenue Report - 1995
Tags: 1995, April 1995, board of directors, Board of Trustees, capital expenditures, capital outlay, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, fines and fees, fund balance, intergovernmental revenue, investment income, John Moorman, March 1995, November 1995, other income, report, Revenue Report, September 1995, Taxes, transfers
Board of Trustees Meeting - February 1995
Tags: 1995, avenues of excellence, Bills, BLDD, board of directors, Board of Trustees, City Librarian's Report, computer upgrade, day shelter Salvation Army, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, February 1995, Finance and Properties, Foundation, homeless, John Moorman, legal expenses, library remodel, Lincoln's birthday closing, Meeting, Minutes, roof repairs, system's board, technical division, union negotiations