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Decatur Public Library Board of Directors Meeting May 1995

These are the minutes of the Decatur Public Library Board of Trustees in May 1995. At this meeting the members discussed the city librarian's report, bookmobiles, RPLS, Personnel Policy and Public Relations, renovation location, salaries, Finance and…

Agenda of the Annual and Monthly meeting of the Decatur Public Library Board of Trustees May 1995

This is the agenda for the annual and monthly meeting of the Decatur Pubic Library Board of Trustees Meeting May 1995. At this meeting the board discussed report to Illinois State Library, report of city librarian, report to city council, nomination…

Finance and Properties Committee Meeting March 1995

This is the meeting of the Finance and Properties Committee in March 1995. At this meeting the members discussed budget revisions, fees for legal services, fees for library services, the Foundation and renovation cost.

Illinois State Library Report 1995-1996

This is the annual report to the Illinois State Library 1994-1995. In this report the following are noted: identification, service outlets and hours, registered borrowers, children, use of resources, financial information, personnel

Decatur Public Library Board of Trustees July 1995

This is the July 1995 meeting of the Board of Trustees. At this meeting the board discussed automation, city librarian's report, Personnel Policy and Public Relations, security policy, Decatur Celebration closure, Finance and Properties, bills,…

Duties, Responsibilities, and By-Laws of the Decatur Public Library Board of Trustees

These are the duties, responsibilities, and by=laws of the board of trustees July 1995, Included duties and responsibilities, by-laws, authority, library board, annual meeting.

Annual Report June 1995

This is the annual report to the city council, mayor, and Illinois State Library June 1995. Also included is the city librarian's report. These reports highlight graphs, narrative, statistics, liabilities, information, monies required, monies…

Personnel Policy and Public Relations Committee meeting April 1995

These are the minutes of the Personnel Policy and Public Relations meeting of April 1995. At this meeting the members discussed school/library pilot program, bookmobile, personnel legal matters, policy review, disaster preparedness plan, check,…

Agenda Board of Trustees Meeting January 1995

This is the agenda for the Board of Directors meeting in January 1995. The agenda consist of the city librarian's report, long range planning committee, Personnel Policy and Public Relations, Finance and Properties, RPLS, Friends of the Library,…

Security Policy Decatur Public Library - June 1995

This is the security policy for the Decatur Public Library June 1995. This policy includes basic conduct, other rules, steps for staff in cases of misconduct, Food and Drink, and Children in the library.