Browse Items (8623 total)
Wabash and ITS Tracks from Fairview Park to Fairview Ave.
Tags: #8.003, Adelbert D. Shinnoman, Arron Ford & Betsey A. Dickerson, assessors subdivision, collection, Decatur IL, Earl & Nettie Larrick, Earl W. & Ruth L. Bailey, Eldorado St., Eugene C. & Dorothea Hamill, F.J. Walters, Fairview Ave., Fairview Park, Fairview Place, H.H. Watson, Homer C. Dixon, houses, Illinois Terminal System, ISHRAB-2017-25-39, ITS, J.L. Walden, Kathryn Hunter, Louise R. Elder, map, Martha E. Ritter, Mary M. Osgood, McClellan Ave., plat map, plats, Queenie M. Powell, Railroad Map Collection, Richard & Marguerite Mount, Ruth Blair Hipsher, Streets, T.J. Campbell, Tracks, Vincent & Kate, W.A. Ivey, Wabash Railroad, Wabash RR
Wabash and ITS Tracks from Fairview Ave. to University Ave.
Tags: #8.003, Bessie Mae Lawler, Cerro Gordo St., Chalmer E. Baldrige, collection, Decatur IL, Eldorado St., Fairview Ave., Favette F. & Geneva Bennett, Fred J. Walter, George E & Rose Harris, Gertrude Ford Dickerson, Grace Fuller, Harold B & Lucille Walter, Illinois Terminal System, ISHRAB-2017-25-38, ITS, James Millikin University, Kenneth File, Maps, Mary H. Connard, Olive M. Thomas, Oscar H & Emma M Whitsitt, Peoples Saving & Loan Co., plat map, plats, Railroad Map Collection, Streets, Thomas W. Daly, Tracks, University Ave., Wabash Railroad, Wabash RR
Photos of Items Decatur Pump Co. - Burks Pumps
Tags: Brush College Road, BS1056, BS1057, BS1058, BS1059, BS1060, BS1061, BS1062, BS1063, BS1064, BS1065, BS1066, BS1067, BS1068, Business, Decatur IL., Fans Field, Manufacturing, Memorabilia, pumps
Photo of A. & W. Tavern Owners
Tags: A & W Tavern, BS940, Business, Decatur IL., owners, Tavern
Photos of Buildings, Workers, Aerial View, Office Building, Archer Daniels Midland Co.
Tags: 1939, 1969, 1978, ADM, Aerial View, Archer Daniels Midland, BS18, BS19, BS20, BS21, BS22, BS23, Buildings, Business, Decatur IL., Grain Co., Grain Trucks, Holding Tanks, Office Entrance, R.R. Tanker, Workers
Photos of Archer Daniels Midland Co.
Photo of Alexander Lumber Co.
Tags: Alexander Lumber Co., BS55, BS55A, Business, Decatur IL., Lumber Co., Men, Railway Cars