Browse Items (8629 total)
Larry Foster's Oral History
John Luttrell's Oral History
John Day's Oral History
Tags: "The Cannon Ball", 1977, automobile factory, bass drum, Betty Turnell, Bluebird, Canada, Canadian National Railroad, Cannon Ball, cement company, Charlie Cunningham, Decatur IL, Douglas Air Craft, Dr. Barnardo's Homes, farm work, farming, Feltwell England, Foreman, freemason, Grand Truck Railroad, Holmes Foundry, homestead farm, Imperial Oil Refinery, Infants' School, Inglewood Ontario, interview, John Day, London England, Marysville MI, Mason, Montreal Quebec, Music, National Guard, Norfolk County, November 1977, oral history, orphanage, paint shop, painter, painting, passenger trains, personnel, physical abuse, pigiron, Poetry, Port Huron MI, recording, retirement, round house, Sarnia Ontario, Steam Engines, tannery, The Great Lakes Navigation, Toronto Ontario, travelling, Tunbridge Wells England, visit to England, Wabash Railroad, Wills-St. Clair car, World War II
Jim Culbertson's Oral History
Jim Chiligiris' Oral History
Tags: Decatur IL, Jim Chiligiris, Lincoln Lounge
Jeanne Allard Lindquist's Oral History
Jane Conklin Bering's Oral History
Tags: Decatur IL, family history, golf, Jane Conklin Bering, Red Cross
James Siburt's Oral History
Tags: 1984, Betty Turnell, board room, Champaign High School, Champaign IL, childhood, construction job, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, family life, farm, freight, Great Depression, Interurban, interview, James Siburt, January 1984, Mahomet IL, one-room schoolhouse, oral history, Railway Express, recording, streetcar, terminal railroad, WPA
James E. Henson's Oral History
Tags: 1984, automobile, Bar Association, bar exam, Betty Turnell, Bloomington IL, childhood, circuit judge, Clara May Morthland Henson, County bridge, County building, county judge, Decatur Daily Review, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Departmental School, divorce law, Donald W. Morthland, early Decatur, Emanual Rosenberg, Eva Josephine Young, Fairview Shopping Center, family law, family life, Faries Park, Henson Morthland and Bolin, Henson Morthland and Henson, Illinois Wesleyan University, Interurban, interview, Jackson Street School, James Atlas Henson, James E. Henson, James Millikin University, January 1984, Lake Decatur, law practice, Lost Bridge, Macon County Court, Macon County Jail, Macon County Sheriff, Maffitt Street Bridge, Martin E. Morthland, Masonic Temple, oral history, Ray's Bridge, recording, Richard F. Morthland, Riverside School, Sangamon River, Staley Office Building
Ira B. Barnes' Oral History #2
Tags: Decatur IL, early Decatur, Ira B. Barnes, oral history