Browse Items (8646 total)

Photo of Eisner Grocers
Photograph of Eisner Grocery Store No. 1 located at 345 W. Eldorado Street, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Edwin C. Grabowski in uniform
Herald and Review Library; Grabowski in Georgia; Pvt. Edwin C. Grabowski, 1155 East Olive street, is stationed in the chemical air operations division of the army air force at Herbert Smart airport, Macon, Ga. Before entering the service last…

Photo of Edward J. Marvin in uniform with name and serial number
Herald and Review Library: Marvin, Edward J., son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Marvin, 341 W. Harrison, Commissioned 2nd Lt.

Photo of Edward J. Marvin in uniform sitting next to aerial gun
Herald and Review Library: Marvin, Edward J., written on back of photo; "Aerial Gunner Receives Wings at the Harlingen, Tex., Army Gunnery School. 1943; City: Decatur, IL., Name: Edward J. Marvin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Marvin, 341 W. Harrison."

Photo of Edward Greene in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Greene, Pfc. Edward in uniform. Article on back of photo; "Pfc. Edward Greene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greene, 425 Nelson Park boulevard, has been transferred from the army to the army air corps to train as a…

Photo of Edward D. Green, in uniform holding sign with name
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Greene, Edward D. in uniform. Article on back of photo; "Greene Given Commission, Edward d. Greene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greene, 425 Nelson boulevard, has been commissioned a second lieutenant at the…

Photo of Edgar L. Sarver in uniform with name, location and class
Herald and Review Library: Sarver, Edgar Lyle; Article on back of photo; "Sarver Commissioned; Edgar L. Sarver, son of Charles E. Sarver, 1746 East Locust street, has won his navy wings and has been commissioned an ensign at the naval air training…

Photo of Edgar D. Hill in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Hill, Edgar D., "Article on back of photo; "Coast Gurardman Edgar D. Hill, Chief gunner's Mate of Route #2, Decatur, IL., is looking forward to a reunion with his wife, Alberta, follwing 23 months combat duty at sea. He…

Photo of Eddie Foster in Navy uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Foster, Eddie, 6/19/1945, unused. Eddie Foster, son of Harold Foster of Citizens Bank."