Browse Items (8659 total)

Photos of the Macon County Seed Co.

Photographs of the Macon County Seed Co. buildings located at the old fairgrounds. "The Macon County Seed Co. has constructed this drying and processing plant for hybrid seed corn at the old fairgrounds."

Photo of Luster Ford

BS1822-Ford Garage 1930s-010.jpg
Photograph of Earl Luster Ford New and Used Cars located at 385 E. Prairie St., Decatur, IL.

Photo of Long John Silver's Sea Food Shoppe

Photograph of Long John Sliver's Sea Food Shoppe located at 701 W. Eldorado St., Decatur, IL.

Photos of Longhorn Tavern

Photographs of the Longhorn Tavern located on E. Prairie St., Decatur, IL.

Photos of the old Lincoln Hotel and Demolition.

Photograph of the Lincoln Hotel before demolition, located at 1164 E. Eldorado Street, Decatur. Photographs of the demolition.