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Photos of Walgreen Drug Store
Photograph of the Walgreen Drug Store located at 215 N. Water Street, Decatur, IL. White Dental Clinic was upstairs. Photographs of the Walgreen Drug Store located at 260 N. Water St., Decatur, IL.
Nathan L. Krone
Photo of Nathan L. Krone (d. 3/31/1916). Decatur druggist for over 60 years. He came to Decatur in 1839 and began clerking in the Stamper & Condell store and then in 1852 he went to the King and Reed drug store and was there until 1855. He later…
I.N. Irwin
Photograph of I.N. Irwin (d. 9/18/1931), a prominent Decatur druggist for 50 years. Partner in the Irwin Drug Co. with his brother, S.M. Irwin, and bought his brother's interest in 1892. In 1929, he sold a share of the business to Delos Cozad, and…
W.C. Armstrong
Photograph of W.C. Armstrong (d. 10/12/1928), a Decatur druggist for many years. Armstrong sold his business on Lincoln Square to West Drug Co. He spent many years as the manager of the Decatur Coal Co. The photo was taken by Vandeventer, and ran…
Ellis W. Armstrong
Photograph of Ellis W. Armstrong (b. 7/24/1860, d. 10/5/1934), a Decatur druggist for 45 years. His first store was on the northwest corner of E. Main St. and N. Water. He also owned two other stores on the 1000 block of E. Grand St. and 1100 block…