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Photos of Spangler Mill Display at the Macon County History Museum located at 5580 North Fork Road, Decatur, IL.
Photographs of the Spangler Mill, Mill Stones used to grind grain. The mills stones are on display at the Macon County History Museum. The Macon County History Museum is located at 5580 North Fork Road, Decatur, IL.
Photos of A. E. Staley Mfg. Co.
Post card of the Staley Office Building at night. Photograph of the Dust Collector. Photograph of man watching conveyor belt. Photograph of A. E. Staley baseball field. Photograph of the Staley Office building with flood lights. Photographs of…
Tags: Agriculture, Altrusa Club, BS247, BS248, BS249, BS250, BS251, BS252, BS253, BS254, BS256, BS257, BS807, Buildings, Business, Conveyor, Decatur IL., Dust Container, Grain Mills, Manufacturing, Noel C. Dicks, Photo File: Business, Smokestacks, Steve Pyle
Photo of the A. E. Staley Manufacturing Co. Buildings
Photograph of A. E. Staley, Mfg. Co. This is a view of the east and industrial section of Decatur in 1912. This photo was published in the Review December 1, 1912 and was taken by George Baker of Decatur. The cutline with the photo when it ran read…
Photos of Suffern-Hunt Mill
Photograph of the Suffern-Hunt Mill--Union St. at Wabash Railroad. sold to American Hominy co. in 1905, sold to Edward Evans 10/3/1924, sold to Decatur Milling Co. 10/26/1924. Wabash R.R. Crossing Shanty in the foreground. Photograph of the new…
Photos of Spencer-Kellogg Grain Company
Photograph of the Spencer-Kellogg and Sons, Philippines Inc. Photograph of the Spencer-Kellogg buildings and rail yard. Photograph of men working on top of the grain silos. Photograph aerial view of Spencer-Kellogg. Photograph of two men watching…
Photos of the Shellabarger Mills
Photograph of the Shellabarger Grain Storage Silos. Photograph of worker bagging flour. Photograph of two men bagging flour. Photograph of the Shellabarger Buildings.
Photos of Spencer-Kellogg Buildings and Workers
Photograph BS239: Spencer Kellogg and Sons Building. Photo BS240: Building complex c. 1939. Photo BS241: Men working on top of the grain storage silos. Photo BS242: Aerial view of the Spencer-Kellogg Mill. Photo BS243: Men watching construction on…
Tags: BS2144, BS2145, BS239, BS240, BS241, BS242, BS243, BS244, BS245, Buildings, Business, Construction, Conveyors, Decatur IL., Grain Mills, Grain Processing, Noel C. Dicks, Spencer Kellogg, Workers