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C. W. Fletcher Grocery
Photograph of C. W. Fletcher Grocery at 1088 S. Franklin St.,, Decatur, IL.
Photographs from the Lyons Feed Store Fire
Photographs taken from the August 27, 1912 fire that occurred on Green St and affected many properties including the George W. Lyons Feed Store. The fire was discovered in the hay of the Lyons feed store and quickly spread throughout the store and to…
Photo of Grinstead Grocery
Photograph of Grinstead Grocery Building, located at 895 W. King St., Decatur, IL.
Tags: 895 W. King St., BS301, building, Business, Decatur IL., Grinstead Grocery, Grocery
Photo Cloyd's Food Center Storefront
Photograph of Cloyd's Food Center located at 876 W. Grand Ave., Decatur, IL.
Tags: 1980's, 876 W. Grand Ave., BS986, BS987, Business, Cloyd's Food Center, Decatur IL., Food, Groceries, Grocery
Photo of E. K. Ehrhart Bros. Grocery
Photograph of the interior of E. K. Ehrhart Bros. Grocery Store located at 774 W. Green St., Decatur, IL.
Tags: 1933, 774 W. Green St., Bs1084, Business, Decatur IL., E. K. Ehrhart Bros. Grocery, fire, Food, Grocery, Market
Photo of Farm to Market Delivery Truck
Photograph of the Farm to Market Delivery Truck.
Tags: BS1110, Business, Decatur IL., Delivery, farm, Farm to Market, Grocery, Truck
Photo of Gordon's Grocery
Photograph of Gordon's Grocery Store located at 1204 E. Locust St., Decatur, IL.
Tags: 1204 E. Locust St., BS1516, building, Business, Decatur IL., Gordon's Grocery, Grocery, Meat
Photo of Haikalis Market corner of Jasper and E. Sangamon Streets, Decatur, IL.
Photograph of the Haikalis Market Building located on the corner of Jasper and E. Sangamon Streets, Decatur, IL.
Tags: BS1530, Business, Decatur IL., Film Service, Grocery, Jasper & Sangamon Sts., Market
Photos of Howard's Super Market.
Photographs of Howard's Royal Blue Super Market located on156 S. Main St., Decatur, IL.
Photo of IGA Foodliner Building.
Photograph of the IGA Foodliner located at 437 N. Broadway, Decatur, IL.