Browse Items (9 total)
- Tags: Elevator
Photos of the Herald and Review Building Exterior and Interior.
Photos of the demolition of the Shellabarger Mill and Elevator.
Wabash Railroad Station Map: Tracks and Structures - Wabash Yards (3/28/1952)
Tags: #8.003, 13th St., 14th St., 15th St., 1952, 22nd. St., 23rd Place, 23rd. St., 3/28/1952, A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co., car shop, coach painting shop, collections, Decatur IL, dry kiln, Elevator, ISHRAB-2017-25-88, Lumber Shed, map, Maps, Marietta St., mill & tin shop, Moser St., N. 24th St., N. 25th St., N. 26th St., Office of Chief Engineer, Orchard St., Planing Mill, Power House, preparation building, Railroad Map Collection, station map, store house, Track, Tracks, tracks and structures, transfer table, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, Yards
Photos of the Entrances off Main and North Streets. Photos Machine and Repair Shop and Elevator.
Businesses - 161 N. Main St. - Quigles Furniture Store
Tags: Augustus Murry, Bachman Brothers, Calendar of Historical Events, Centennial History of Decatur and Macon County, Charles and Ida Bachman, Charles Caldwell, Charlotte Meyer, Cheryl Peck, city directories, city directory, D. Brintlinger, David Miller, David Petrina, Decatur Diary, Decatur Herald and Review, Decatur Public Library, Elevator, Erie Shaffer, fire, Franklin and Mary Priest, Hawkins and Davis, History, James and Sally Renshaw, John Keckley, Linn and Scruggs, obituaries, Obituary, Peter and Carrie Perl, photos, R. C. Rosen Architect, R. E. Strongman Architect, Rodger Quigle, William and Elizabeth Mitchell, William Shaffer
Otis Elevator Contract - December 1, 1975
Board of Directors Meeting - August 17, 1989
Tags: 1989, annual budget, August 1989, avenues of excellence, board of directors, Board of Trustees, buildings and grounds, City Librarian's Report, Collection Development, Committee Reports, corporate replace tax, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Elevator, Expenditures, finance and properties committee, Fines, Great Book Hunt, Illinois State Library, James Seidl, Long Range Plans, MARC records, maternity leave, Owen Balding lawsuit, personnel, personnel survey, Public Relations, revenues, RPLS, Tax Levy, vendors
Finance and Properties Committee Minutes 1989.
Tags: 1989, August 1989, Baby Talk, board of directors, Board of Trustees, budget, capital outlay, Collection Agency, commodities, Computers, contractual services, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Elevator, employment agency, expanded pay scale, Expenditures, February 1989, HMO plan, insurance, James Seidl, January 1989, material cost, May 1989, Meeting, Minutes, October 1989, personnel cost, Programs, Salary Increase, Security, September 1989, subscription services, Tax Levy
Board of Directors Meeting on January 17, 1980
Tags: 1980, Agenda, board of directors, Board of Trustees, CLSI, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Elevator, January 1980, Letter to Legislators, Meeting, Minutes, Policy Public Relations and Personnel Committee Report, Properties and Finance Committee Report, Public Notice of Regular Scheduled Board Meetings, Revenue Items, Robert Dumas, Statistical Report, Tax Levee