Browse Items (6 total)
- Tags: Decatur Housing Authority
League of Women Voters - Publications - Governmental Directory for Citizens of Macon County - 1977
Tags: 1977, addresses, Administrative Boards, Boards and Commissions of Decatur, Committees and Chairpersons of the County Board, Community Mental Health, Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Conservation District, Decatur City Plan Commission, Decatur Housing Authority, Decatur IL, Decatur Park District, Decatur Public Library, Decatur School District #61, Governmental Directory for Citizens of Macon County, Human Relations Commission, Intergovernmental cooperation and County modernization commission, Judiciary, League of Women Voters, Macon County Board, Macon County Health Department, Macon County Offices, Mosquito abatement district, names, National government, Officials appointed by the County board, phone numbers, publications, Regional planning commission, Richland Community College, Sanitary District, Special District, State Government, Township officials, Zoning Board of appeals
League of Women Voters - Projects - Human Resources Project - 1970 to 1979
Tags: . Mobile homes, 1970-1979, 1980 community development block grant application, Adlai E. Stevenson III, Annual report on human relations, Barbara Minich, Charles Percy, City Council Agenda, Committee Guide, correspondence, Decatur Housing Authority, Decatur Macon County opportunity corporation incorporated, DMCOC housing, Edward Madigan, Elderly Housing Project, Employment and Human Relations, Future of neighborhood youth corps program, Gail Childs, Greenwood Manor, Herald and Review, Home ownership make east H.O.M.E, Human Resources Project, Human Resources Report, League of Women Voters, Leslie Allen, Longview Place, newspaper articles, NYC worksites, Operation and Needs of the Decatur Public Library, Operation Breakthrough, projects, Proposals for reform of the welfare system, Proposed Low-Income Project, Proposed resolution of the board of Decatur Macon county opp. corp., The Guideline, Torrence Park, Urban renewal, VISTA volunteers
Illinois Central Railroad Station Plat Map - Eldorado St. to Hickory St. (8/12/1953)
Tags: #8.003, 1953, 8/12/1953, A.W. Cash Valve Co., Calhoun St., Carvers' Addition, Center St., Cerro Gordo St., Clayton St., Clinton St., collection, Condit St., Decatur Housing Authority, Decatur IL, Eldorado St., Esplanade St., Front St., Grand Ave., Hickory St., ICRR, ICRR freight house, ICRR yards, Illinois Central Railroad, ISHRAB-2017-25-57, Leafland Ave., Locust St., map, Maps, Marietta St., Maryland St., Maurer Distributing Co., McClelland Grocery Co., Moorehouse and Wells Warehouse, Morgan St., Orchard St., Pearl St., Pennsylvania RR, Prather's Addition, Railroad Ave., Railroad Map Collection, Rath Packing Co., Sangamon St., Short St., Sol Tick Warehouse, Stapps Subdivision, station plat map, Swift & Company, Tastyee Bread Bakery, Tracks, Wabash, Wabash Ave., Wabash freight house, Wabash machine shop, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, Walrus Manufacturing Co.
Illinois Central Railroad Station Plat Map - Eldorado St. to Hickory St. (12/26/1951)
Tags: #8.003, 12/28/1951, 1951, Calhoun St., Carvers' Addition, Center St., Cerro Gordo St., Clayton St., Clinton St., collection, Condit St., Decatur Housing Authority, Decatur IL, Eldorado St., Esplanade St., Front St., Grand Ave., Hickory St., ICRR, ICRR freight house, ICRR yards, Illinois Central Railroad, ISHRAB-2017-25-56, Leafland Ave., Locust St., map, Maps, Marietta St., Maryland St., Maurer Distributing Co., McClelland Grocery Co., Morgan St., Orchard St., Pearl St., Pennsylvania RR, Prather's Addition, Railroad Ave., Railroad Map Collection, Rath Packing Co., Sangamon St., Shellabarger Elevator Co., Short St., Stapps Subdivision, station plat map, Tracks, Wabash, Wabash Ave., Wabash freight house, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Roundhouse, Wabash RR, Wabash yards
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Mar 1981, Vol. V-3
Tags: "Local Color" Gifts, Amusing Decatur 1830 - 1915 Pastimes and Playtimes, Ann Seidman and Barbara Hicks retire, Annual Meeting, Architectural Detail, Bell Pull Store, Christmas tree, Decatur, Decatur Housing Authority, Graining and Marbling Film, Homestead Restoration Slide Presentation, Homestead Use Increases, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Membership Drive, Missing Breakfast Room Door, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin at Home, Mrs. Millikin's Trunk, MU Board of Trustees Visit, Needlework Contest, nominating committee, Ornamental Ironwork Film, Program Mini-series, Restoration Ahead of Schedule, Victorian Christmas Party, Victorian Customs and Decorating, Victorian Wallpaper, Visions of Sugarplums Cookbook, Volunteer Opportunities