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League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - October 1960
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
May 2023, Vol. XLVIII
Tags: Accoutrements of Women through the Ages, Ann-Marie Hillyer - President, Annual Appeals Campaign, Annual Meeting, Barn Colony Artists, board of directors, Brown, Copper Chimney Caps, Cucumber Magnolia Tree, Decatur, Donna Williams - Past President, Doug Warren - Treasurer, Executive Board, Hats and Handbags, Hay and Stephens, Hickory Point Bank, Historic Preservation Week, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Jennifer Brandyberry - Vice President, Joanne Kerper, Mary Lou Brown, Membership form, Metal Cresting, Millikin Place Walking Tour, Millikin University Founder's Day, Mission Statement, Monthly Open House, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, Nola Wilkinson - Secretary, Plein Aire Event
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov1977, Vol. ll-2
Tags: Bell Pull, Calhoun's Pottery Class, Carriage House Learning Center, Decatur, Dennis School, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Farrington, Dr. Floyd Barringer, Freeman-Hughes House, Governor's Mansion, Group Meetings Encouraged, Haviland China, Historic Christmas Tree Decorations, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Katherine Wagenseller, Martha Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Elliot, Parlor Brass Chandeliers, South Shores School, Storm Windows, Tour Guides Needed, Victorian Christmas Party, Visions of Sugar Plums Cookbook
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep1977, Vol. ll-1
Tags: Antiques for Young Moderns, Architectural and Historical Sites Commission Grant, Bell Pull, Bill Kneipp, Blackberry Jam Cake, Carriage House Classes, Chandelier, Clayton Henderson, Clinton Homestead, Decatur, Dessert Cookbook, Fall Festival, Freeman - Hughes House, Going Home Book, Governors Mansion, Grace Note, Grandma's Syrup Pie, Grant Researcher Needed, Haviland- Victorian China, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Jr. Welfare Cookbook, Larry Calhoun, Lois Harvey, Lower Hall Restoration, Mrs. E.L. Simmons, Mrs. Noonan, Municipal Band, Pleasant Hill Kentucky, Share a Little of Yourself, Victorian Christmas Party, Visions of Sugarplums, Volunteers Needed
League of Women Voters, Board Meeting - September 1960
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - June 1960
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - May 1960
Tags: board meeting, Department of Health Education and Welfare, Finance Drive, League of Women Voters, Macon County Historical Pageant, Mayor and City Council, membership list, Minutes, Mrs. Cresswell secretary, Mrs. Doubleday president, Program development and evaluation sheet, Revenue workshop, treasurer's report, unit meetings
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - April 1960
League of Women Voters - board meeting - annual meeting - March 1960
Tags: Annual Meeting, board meeting, budget, by-laws, Candidates meeting, Chamber of Commerce, Champaign League, coffee, Constitution committee workshop, League of Women Voters, local programs, mintues, Mrs. Colvis, Mrs. Cresswell, Mrs. Doubleday, no quorum, nominating committee, public library - revenue study, Rexall Drugs, School District, sewer system, slate accepted, tax question, treasurer's report, Urban renewal, water reserves, Welcome brochure, YMCA
League of Women Voters - board meeting - February 1960
Tags: Area traffic safety, board meeting, budget committee, by-laws, Election laws workshop, February coffees, League of Women Voters, local agenda committee, Minutes, Mr. Springer, Mrs. E. J. Cresswell, Mrs. Neal Doubleday president, National agenda suspended, National security seminar, nominating committee, Public Health, Urban renewal, Welcome brochure