Browse Items (8540 total)
Burdick Plumbing and Heating Proposal March 2011
Burtis Lawson - Millikin University Sophomore, Tau Kappa Epsilon
Business - 111. N. Main St. - Singleton Building
Tags: Alltop Musical Instruments, Bryan's Café, Burchett Photo, Caterpilar Military Engine Co, city directory, Creighton's restaurant, Curtis Creighton, Decatur Herald, Decatur Public Library Vertical File, Decatur Review, Emerson Piano House, Gebhart Gifts, Green Mill Cafe, H. C. Noble, History, Hue Singleton, J. W. Gucker Restaurant, Linxweiler Office Supplies, Marie's Dinner, Mary Stamper, Maxwell House Cafe, Nine Cent Shoe Repair, P. E. Conrad, photos, Singleton Building, Singleton Obituary, Singleton's Restaurant, Stag Cafe, Tea Room
Business - 117 E. Main St. - Dr. Robert's Drugstore
Tags: Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collections, Cling Armstrong drugstore, Decatur Diary, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, description, Dr. Roberts' drugstore, E. A. West Drugstore, Enloe's drugstore, Herald and Review, History, Margaret Meyer, photo, Register of Old Buildings, Richard Edinger, Roy and Frances Enloe
Business - 135 E. Main St. - Mutual Home and Savings/Powers Hall
Tags: Abraham Lincoln In Illinois, Centennial History of Macon County, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Decatur Gazette, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Decatur Republican, description, Henry Bachrach, Herald and Review, History, Jane Johns, Margaret Meyer, Mark Twin, Mutual Home and Savings, Personal Recollections, photo, Powers Hall, Register of Old Buildings, Richard Oglesby, Samuel Clemons, sketch, William Powers
Businesses - 100 N. Merchant St - Bachrach's Clothing
Businesses - 100 N. Water St. - James Millikin Company
Tags: 1896-1977, 1st National Bank, 5th location Millikin Bank, 80 Years of Banking, Abraham Lincoln President, articles, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Decatur Diary, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Herald and Review, History, James Millikin Company, L Burrows Company, Margaret Meyer, OT Banton, photos, Plaque, Progressive Decatur
Businesses - 120 N. Water St. - 1st National Bank - Michl's Cigar Store
Businesses - 156 S. Main Street - Howard's Market
Tags: articles, assessor's office, block map, Chan Bayless, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, city directory, Clarence Haines, Cyrus Imborden, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Herald and Review, Howard Bardsley, Howard's Supermarket, Imboden Brothers, Jacob Mogenstern, John G. Imboden, John Imboden, Margaret Meyer, Mrs. Howard Bardsley, Obituary, ON Freischlog, OV Vest, photo
Businesses - 161 N. Main St. - Quigles Furniture Store
Tags: Augustus Murry, Bachman Brothers, Calendar of Historical Events, Centennial History of Decatur and Macon County, Charles and Ida Bachman, Charles Caldwell, Charlotte Meyer, Cheryl Peck, city directories, city directory, D. Brintlinger, David Miller, David Petrina, Decatur Diary, Decatur Herald and Review, Decatur Public Library, Elevator, Erie Shaffer, fire, Franklin and Mary Priest, Hawkins and Davis, History, James and Sally Renshaw, John Keckley, Linn and Scruggs, obituaries, Obituary, Peter and Carrie Perl, photos, R. C. Rosen Architect, R. E. Strongman Architect, Rodger Quigle, William and Elizabeth Mitchell, William Shaffer