Browse Items (8564 total)

Photo of Samuel Jolly in uniform
Herald and Review Library; Jolly, Smauel V., Article on back of photo; "Samuel V. Jolly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Jolly, 1710 North Thirty-fourth street, has completed his basic training at Great Lakes, and recently spent a nine-day furlough…

Photo of Edwin C. Grabowski in uniform
Herald and Review Library; Grabowski in Georgia; Pvt. Edwin C. Grabowski, 1155 East Olive street, is stationed in the chemical air operations division of the army air force at Herbert Smart airport, Macon, Ga. Before entering the service last…

Photo of Franklin Frazee in Navy uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Frazee, Franklin, 3/6/1943. Article on back of photo: "Franklin Frazee recently returned to Great Lakes Naval Training station, after spending a nine-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Frazee, 711 North…

Photo of 2nd Lt. Robert C. Fox in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Fox, Lt. Robert C., 7/15/1944 unused."

Photo of Seaman 2nd Class Richard E. Foltz in Navy uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Foltz, Richard E., 5/25/1943. Article on back of photo: "Foltz Returns: Richard E. Foltz, seaman second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Foltz, 1237 East Decatur street, has returned to Great Lakes Naval Training…

Photo of Lt. Marion B. Foley in unform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Foley, Lieut. Marion B., 10/12/1942. Article on back: "Lieut. Marion B. Foley, of the engineers corps, is spending a five-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foley, 1087 Sunset Avenue. A 1942 graduate of…

Photo of Pfc. Manuel D. DeFrates, Jr. in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; DeFrates, Manuel D., Jr., 4/1/1943. Linquist Photo. Dead - Killed in action WWII. Article on back: "DeFrates in Florida: Pfc. Manuel D. DeFrates, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel DeFrates, 1160 North Jordan Street,…

Photos of East Main Street, Decatur, IL.
Photograph of the 100 Block East Main Street, looking east from the Transfer House. Photo taken 5/13/1910 during a Beaumanoir Commandery parade. Photograph 100 Block East Main Street with buses, street car and people. Photo taken by Lindquist &…

Photo of Cpl. William H. Fish in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Fish, William H., article in newspaper said;" Cpl William Fish, is stationed with the Chemical Warfare Mortar board in France, according to work received by his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Fish of 1513 North Monroe…