Browse Items (8612 total)

Photo of Sgt. Lyle D. Waite in uniform holding slate with name
Herald and Review Library: Waite, Sgt. Lyle D., Article on back of photo; "Wins Air Medal; The Air Medal has been awarded Sgt. Lyle D. Waite, son of Harry Waite, 1844 North Broadway, for 'meritorious achievement in aerial combat,' according to word…

Photo of Sgt. Kenneth Mullis in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Mullis, Sgt. Kenneth; Article on back of photo; "Sgt. Kenneth Mulis, son of Mrs. Marie Moore, 717 North Mercer street, has continued on to Knobnaster, Mo., after spending a few days at home while enroute from Scott Field.…

Photo of Sgt. Kenneth DeFrees being rewarded the Certificate of Merit by Col. Harry G. Miller
WWII - Herald and Review Library; DeFrees, Sgt. Kenneth, 9/22/1945 unused. "ETO HQ 45 60588 28 Aug. credit U.S. Army Signal Corps., Photographer Pfc. Murakami 3908. Col Harry G. Miller, Deputy Chief Signal Office in the ETO, congratulates T/Sgt.…

Photo of Sgt. John Shaw in uniform, arm on stair railing, building in background
Herald and Review Library: Shaw, John; Article on back of photo; "John Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Shaw, 155 Glencoe avenue, is Macon's county's only representative at the Citizens Military Training camp at Jefferson Barracks, near St. Louis.…

Photo of Sgt. John R. Dobson in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Dobson, Sgt. John R., 5/1/1942. Article on back of photo: "Pvt. John R. Dobson, first class, specialist second class, was promoted on April 20 to the rank of sergeant of section chief in the office of the adjutant…

Photo of Sgt. John J. Wirchak in flight uniform with name and serial number
Herald and Review Library: Wirchak, Sgt. John J.; Article on back of photo; "Wirchak Graduates; Sgt. John J. Wirchak, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wirchak, 2009 Woodford street, recently graduated from aerial gunnery school at Harlingen army air field,…

Photo of Sgt. John D. Hoff in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Hoff, Sgt. John D., Article on back of photo; "First Sgt. John D. Hoff receives the Bronze Star 'for meritorious achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy.' Presentation was made by Maj. Gen. H.…

Photo of Sgt. John A. Lowe in uniform standing in front of a building
Herald and Review Library: Lowe, Sgt. John A.; Article on back of photo; "Corp. John A. Lowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron O. Lowe of 1168 North Thirty-fifth street, has been promoted to the rank of sergeant in the U. S. Army engineer corps. In the…

Photo of Sgt. James Wayne in flight jacket and helmet
Herald and Review Library: Wayne, Sgt. James; Article on back of photo; "Sgt. Returns; Sgt. James Wayne has returned to Denver, Color., after spending a 10-day furlough with his wife, the former Juanita Scheef, at their home 2560 East Olive street.…

Photo of Sgt. James M. Galligan
Herald and Review Library: Article on back of photo: "Staff Sgt. James M. Galligan, son of Mrs. James Galligan, 364 East Eldorado street, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for "extraordinary achievement" while serving as a tail-gunner…