Browse Items (20 total)
- Tags: 1927
Decatur Public Library - Board of Trustees - The Trustee and His Library - 1927
Wabash Railway Station Map: Lands, Tracks & Structures - Along State Route 48 (6/30/1927)
Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western RR Right of Way and Track Map (Original 6/30/1918, Revised 12/31/1927)
Tags: #8.003, 12/31/1927, 1927, Aaron Ruth, B&O, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, Bridge, CI&W, Cincinnati Indianapolis & Western RR, collection, Euclid Broadwell, ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-2, Jacob Stickle, John Garver, Joseph Spangler, Lake Decatur, land plats, map, Maps, Michael Eichinger, Michael Elson, Miller S. Fetrow, Office of Valuation Engineer, public roads, Railroad Map Collection, right of way, right of way and track map, Tracks, W.M. Davis, Wm Prather, Wm. Deweese
Photograph of Carl Sandburg
Tags: 1927, author, Decatur IL, Famous People, Feb, Lincoln Scholar, Poet, Visitors
Male in Front of House - 1927
House with Man on Porch
Photos of East Main Street, Decatur, IL.
Tags: 100 Block E. Main St., 1910, 1912, 1927, 1934, 1943, 1962, 1969, 432 E. Main St., Blacksmith Shop, Bolay's Hobbies, Cheap Charley's Clothing, Dennis G. Mahorney, E. Main & Franklin, East Main St., Enloe's Drug Store, Ford Garage, Herald and Review, Lincoln Square, Millikin Bank, Photo File: Streets, St. Nicholas Hotel, Street Cars, Transfer House, Water St.