Browse Items (8620 total)

Photo of Major William V. Davidson in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Davidson, Maj. William V., 5/17/1945. Major William V. Davidson recently returned veteran of the Pacific War, will be the speaker at Sunday ceremonies honoring war workers who maintained good attendance records. …

Photo of Major William Lynn Davis, Jr. in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Davis, Maj. William Lynn, 8/5/1945. Herald and Review photo by Martin J. Cooney, Decatur, Illinois. Article on back of photo: "Major Davis Didn't Expect by Mary Ferree of t he Herald-Review Staff: An infantryman who…

Photo of Major Joseph M. Schumacher in uniform sitting at a desk
Herald and Review Library: Schumacher, Major Joseph M., written on back of photo; "Naples, Italy, Shown at his desk is Major Joseph M. Schumacher, Decatur, Illinois, AES Peninsular Base Section, Southern District."

Photo of Major Forrest W. Clark with rifle
Armed Forces - Herald and Review Library; Clark, Forrest W., Marine Major, 8/27/1956. Official U. S. Marine Corps photo. Article on back of photo: "Named on marine Rifle Team: Marine Maj. Forrest W. Clark, Rural Route 2, has been named a member of…

Photo of Major Forrest W. Clark with rifle
Armed Forces - Herald and Review Library; Clark, Forrest W., Marine Major, 8/27/1956. Official U.S. Marine corps photo. Article on back of photo: "Named on Marine rifle tem: Marine Maj. Forrest W. Clark, Rural Route 2, has been named a

Photo of Major Dale Shaffer in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Shaffer, Major Dale L.; Article on back of photo; "Dale L. Shaffer, 23-year old Eighth Army pilot who has made 23 bombing raids over Europe, was recently promoted to the rank of major and is now base operations officer at…

Photo of Major Aubrey Taylor in uniform with name and serial number
Herald and Review Library: Taylor, Major Aubrey D. Decatur, IL.

Photo of Major and Mrs. Ralph Merrill Wismer, Major Wismer is in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Wismer, Major Ralph Merrill; Article on back of photo; "Linda Jean Wismer, age 16 months, was an astonished young lady when she first met her father, Maj. Ralph M. Wismer, Friday evening. Major Wismer is back home after two…

Photo of Maj. Lowell Spires in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Spires, Maj. Lowell; Article on back of photo; "Lowell Spires Now a Major; Lowell Spires, son of Mrs. Ruth Spires, 839 West North street, has been promoted to the rank of major in the adjutant general's headquarters at an…